Phoenix 2 Shop Checker

Designed by Flyingfish812, referred to FBI Light Rock


Here is a shop tracker. You can use this tracker to find when you can get your next ship.

You can have two query mode: search by shop or search by ship.

If you would like to search by shop, you need to enter a number that indicates the refresh times of the shop. For example, you can enter 1 to search for the next shop.

If you would like to search by ships, you need to enter the ship you would like to buy, and it will tell you when you can have the chance to buy it. For example, you can enter 'Phoenix' to search for when Phoenix will appear in the shop.

This page is based on the shop cycle page on the GameFAQs Guide by FBI Light Rock.

Important: Your rank will affect your search result. Please set your rank first.

You are currently ranked as:

(Search by shop)

You would like to search the shop after several resets:

Search Results

No results found or incorrect data format.

(Search by ships)

Or, you would like to find when you can buy this ship in the shop:

Search Results

No results found or incorrect data format.