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· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover


每日任务#3081-SSS 飞镖盛宴类关卡的本意是好的,很欢乐很丝滑;增加其他炮台如T4围墙炮和浮游喷子为玩家提供更多乐趣的出发点也是好的,不过不需要出发。在飞镖盛宴里面加过多其他炮台就好比往奶茶里面加半碗小料导致奶茶粥化(本人并无歧视任何奶茶的意思单纯举个例子)或者给2w吨级的东西塞一堆舰载机然后硬说这玩意儿是直升机驱逐舰,一样傻逼,byd5-2给爷整笑了,当然也可能是因为我菜不能用竞速机体会到个中乐趣,哎呀终究是我不配了。红戴沙の素材已收集,收你妈个素材还要先把5-1傻屌大鹏刮死再说,加几个投射量高的炮给大鹏要死一样😅不过话又说回来大鹏装过多武器也不是个好事情,比如每日任务#3036-SSSS的5-3大鹏,激光关里的子弹类炮台就像是假期里的作业一样,你整得来差不多合适点嘛,别你妈太离谱;还有每日任务#3074-SSSS 护盾烟花盛宴关这次居然没有神鹰和大鹏,5-3和5-4长得跟4-1或4-2一样,糊弄鬼呢😅爷看着还说想弄点戴沙尼亚的素材玩玩,玩牛魔,吃奥了

Felix-Felicis is Over!!

· One min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

Get flower in collaboration🔈🔈Gain result in competation🎉🎉

The third round of this competition has ended, The results of each group have been posted at "Events-Schedule-Results" in this website~ First of all, congratulations to the two members of Group 10, "Dubguy" and "星莹", for their first place in the whole competation! They recorded 1:58.14 and 2:23.16-2s with Von Braun and Geist respectively, the total time of their group is 4:19.30. In second place are the two players in Group 19, "Dereck Leigh" and"Avewpxme", they and their Fujin and Geist won a total of 4:47.93 in 2:13.55+10s and 2:29.38-5s, the difference with the first-place combination was 28.63s. The third-place combination was the 36th group consisting of "🐋Syz°.fish🐬" and "One.vic", The Von Braun and Geist were used, respectively, 2:16.10+(2:43.88-2s)=4:57.98, was 10.05s latter than the second-place combination.

Daily Mission#3028-SSSS that Roc in 5-1 is pretty easy and look like in 2s, even just itself in that BLOODY HELL ENERGY LACKING wave, what does that suppose to mean? FUCK YOU whoever came up with this shit😡

Felix-Felicis The Second is Over!!

· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

Unity and hard work🔈🔈Play and show yourself🎉🎉

The second round of this competition has ended, The results of each group have been posted at "Events-Schedule-Results" in this website~ First of all, congratulations to the two members of Group 10, "Dubguy" and "星莹", for their first place in the second round! They recorded 2:23.46 + 5s and 2:38.97 with Photurius and Jn'Dur respectively, after the Photurius gained a +5s debuff, the two were close, The total time of their group is 5:07.43. In second place are the two players in Group 36, "🐋Syz°.fish🐬" and "One.vic", they and their Jn'Dur and NC-150 won a total of 5:15.11 in 2:25.59-1s and 2:56.52-6s, the difference with the first-place combination was only 7.68s, and the bite was very tight. The third-place combination was the 19th group consisting of "Dereck Leigh" and "Avewpxme", The Jn'Dur and Photurius were used, respectively, 2:45.32 + (2:28.38+5s) = 5:18.70, was 3.59s latter than the second-place combination.

The third round has officially begun, and there are still 36 groups of 72 players competing together, and you can see a total of 79 players through the in-game community interface, so minus 1 war correspondent, and 6 are spectators (Yeah~

This time, the level configuration is still a combination of Hull+Armored enemy aircraft,the 13 Acts are Hull, and the rest are Armored, I personally think the difficulty is decent. As of Beijing time 23:00, we can see there's a lot of Fujin and Von Braun, some of other plains also; and good luck with that

Felix-Felicis The First is Over!!

· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

Racing is everywhere🔈🔈Chase is everytime🎉🎉

The first round of this competition has ended, The results of each group have been posted at "Events-Schedule-Results" in this website~ First of all, congratulations to the two members of Group 19, "Dereck Leigh" and "Avewpxem", for their first place in the first round! They recorded 2:17.87 and 2:04.99+10s with Krillou and Saber respectively, after the Saber gained a +10s debuff, the two were close, The total time of their group is 4:32.86. In second place are the two players in Group 10, "Dubguy" and "星莹", they and their Antioch and Saber won a total of 4:33.02 in 2:14.14 and 2:08.84 + 10s, the difference with the first-place combination was only 0.16s, and the bite was very tight. The third-place combination was the 28th group consisting of "Ultimate Phase" and "哇咔咔", The Vani-Vith and Antioch were used, respectively, 2:04.02 + 2:38.29 = 4:42.31, was 9.29s latter than the second-place combination.

The second round has officially begun, and there are still 36 groups of 72 players competing together, and you can see a total of 85 players through the in-game community interface, so minus 1 battlefield reporter, and 12 are spectators (Yeah~

This time, the level configuration is still a combination of Armored+Shielded invaders, the 1st and 2nd Acts are Armored, and the rest are Shielded, I personally think the difficulty is decent, after all, without the threat of Boomerangs, the pressure to dodge the bomb will be much less. As of 17:00 GMT+8, we can see there's a colony of Photurius, scattered landing, you can see a few different ships (everyone got "debuff"=none got "debuff", right?) Those 8 sparrows in the front of 5-1 can be a sucker cause one of them always come to you and make you have an orgasm, but this can't be a problem to Photurius I guess, just charge a laser at the bottom and rush up to release the SEMP and kill them all ———— here I have to praise the sensible of SEMP, when reaching the ultimate level and you grants 10 bonus damage (unlike the Destructive Wave of BEMP still costs I mean FUCK YOU!!) If you can make good use of these 10 noble AOE damage points when racing or saving your ass, you can get excellent results, for example slaughter sparrows; so good luck with that~

Felix-Felicis IS ON!!!

· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

Every Shots You Got🔈🔈Every Scores You Gain🎉🎉

Through the schedule, we can see that there are 36 groups, 2 people in each group so there are 72 players competing together, but the game community interface shows that there are 74 players, so who are the extra 2 :)

As of Beijing time 21:00, the 1st contestant is Roger, he and his Saber obtain the grade in 02:01.33; In the top 10 on the list, there are 8 of them with Vorpal Lance, the proportion reached 80%, and we can see the superiority of AOE weapons in competition~ The 2nd which is Corsair left behind 1.97s, that's close, and the 3rd Vani-Vith is 0.72s to catch Corsair

As for the level configuration, which is pretty normal, the 1、2 and 6 Acts are Sinister Shielded , the 35 Acts are Armored, those who can't figure out whether the Intruders are Sinister or not can read the Technical Terms in Beginner's Guide And we got every thing, that Heron in 4-2 is a bitch and maybe many players curse it for again and again; those two Ravens in 6-3 with their Laser Trakers can be a pain in ass, for those racing guys they can kill them all for damn sure, but for newbies can takes a lot. So good luck with that :)

My Second Blog

· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

This is the third test blog after the resurrection of the blog page, also my second blog; just some assess about Daily Missions.

Daily Mission#3011-SS the Vulture in 5-1 ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 4 T4 Laser MIRV Bloomers present at the same time really scared the hell out of me~ Footage of Reaper-Tau have been collected.

Daily Mission#3012-SSSS Doomsday Bomb in 4-1 was a little attention grabbing whore trying to get my screen time and we got to take care of that slut so it won't kill us. As for Doomsday Super MIRV, which is less threatening than the old type Doomsday MIRV because we don't have to suck up them all, still need us to pay attention to the larger detonation range, cause if you don't then there will be some MIRVs go to the next wave with you and those 2 CRAZY bitches in 4-2 can literally fuck you up. 4 T4 Laser Spreads on 2 Eagles that hiding in the back with their creepy random move can really make us feel thankless and may be like "if I get passed this time then I don't think I wanna take this shit for another fucking time" I mean, why do this to us? How did Laser Spam Mission that always offers us happiness and satisfaction became an awful bitch that makes players wanna squealing while pounding their lovely phone for an hour and a half? If really wanna see how players deal with difficult missions can just add The Hell Dovacoon back and everyone will be happy.

Tomorrow'SSSS will be MIRV Spam with Shields again, that's nice~ I'm looking forward to it

Test Type I

· One min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

Welcome to the second test blog post after the revival of the blog session.

Daily Mission#3009-SS 4-2、5-1、5-2、5-4 footages of Disaris-Omega were collected

Daily Mission#3010-SSSS Roc of 5-1 is pretty......5-2 try wrap around,watch out for Darts when back to the bottom

Greetings from the Owner

· 2 min read
The owner of this site, a Phoenix 2 lover

Welcome to the first test blog post after the revival of the blog session. I will just say whatever comes to mind here.

Since our reconstruction on January 29, 2024, this website has received enthusiastic help and support from many players. I am incredibly grateful to everyone for their assistance.

Some of you might recall a statement at the bottom of the English version homepage of the old website, addressing some unpleasant experiences within the community. When the server of the old site crashed and I decided to completely rebuild the website, I contemplated whether to replicate that statement on the homepage of this current version. However, I opted to consign it directly to the trash can. Hence, players browsing this site won't find that statement anymore.

As the current website administrator, I aspire for players to engage in discussions, share their gaming insights, and collectively uphold the community spirit of Phoenix 2 players. While the core content of the website has been mostly updated and the frequency of updates has gradually decreased, I still welcome players to provide their suggestions and feedback in the game community or through the feedback links on this site, whether it pertains to the website or the game itself.

Lastly, I want to express my gratitude to all players for their support and companionship throughout the journey with Phoenix 2.