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5 posts tagged with "Maybe Introduction"

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· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover





7月9日 雨

· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover


每日任务#3110-SSSS 2-4、3-3的各两个中小型,下面吊着的炮管一直射是不是有点讨人嫌了😅打死了都要翻几个白眼🙄劝你善良💅5-3的大型看着挺常规的实则用奥贡打的时候衔接5-4有1点需要注意,奥贡在5-3要是放了3轮激光风暴那么恭喜,会有全屏的速射弹跟着进5-4(从某方面讲这种情况下的这种大型也属于“自爆”,因为爆了就有大量弹幕)再接着6座飞镖炮台直接颅内高潮;有一说一这种后一波利用前一波生成的大量弹幕进行一个狙的阵型,很贱,最后一波长得像坨屎,没点boss的逼格,纯恶心人来的,真不如回滚装甲自爆阴间厂(缘起2218-SSSS)至少完事儿了酣畅淋漓,他好我也好❤


· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover


每日任务#3081-SSS 飞镖盛宴类关卡的本意是好的,很欢乐很丝滑;增加其他炮台如T4围墙炮和浮游喷子为玩家提供更多乐趣的出发点也是好的,不过不需要出发。在飞镖盛宴里面加过多其他炮台就好比往奶茶里面加半碗小料导致奶茶粥化(本人并无歧视任何奶茶的意思单纯举个例子)或者给2w吨级的东西塞一堆舰载机然后硬说这玩意儿是直升机驱逐舰,一样傻逼,byd5-2给爷整笑了,当然也可能是因为我菜不能用竞速机体会到个中乐趣,哎呀终究是我不配了。红戴沙の素材已收集,收你妈个素材还要先把5-1傻屌大鹏刮死再说,加几个投射量高的炮给大鹏要死一样😅不过话又说回来大鹏装过多武器也不是个好事情,比如每日任务#3036-SSSS的5-3大鹏,激光关里的子弹类炮台就像是假期里的作业一样,你整得来差不多合适点嘛,别你妈太离谱;还有每日任务#3074-SSSS 护盾烟花盛宴关这次居然没有神鹰和大鹏,5-3和5-4长得跟4-1或4-2一样,糊弄鬼呢😅爷看着还说想弄点戴沙尼亚的素材玩玩,玩牛魔,吃奥了

My Second Blog

· 2 min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

This is the third test blog after the resurrection of the blog page, also my second blog; just some assess about Daily Missions.

Daily Mission#3011-SS the Vulture in 5-1 ARE YOU KIDDING ME? 4 T4 Laser MIRV Bloomers present at the same time really scared the hell out of me~ Footage of Reaper-Tau have been collected.

Daily Mission#3012-SSSS Doomsday Bomb in 4-1 was a little attention grabbing whore trying to get my screen time and we got to take care of that slut so it won't kill us. As for Doomsday Super MIRV, which is less threatening than the old type Doomsday MIRV because we don't have to suck up them all, still need us to pay attention to the larger detonation range, cause if you don't then there will be some MIRVs go to the next wave with you and those 2 CRAZY bitches in 4-2 can literally fuck you up. 4 T4 Laser Spreads on 2 Eagles that hiding in the back with their creepy random move can really make us feel thankless and may be like "if I get passed this time then I don't think I wanna take this shit for another fucking time" I mean, why do this to us? How did Laser Spam Mission that always offers us happiness and satisfaction became an awful bitch that makes players wanna squealing while pounding their lovely phone for an hour and a half? If really wanna see how players deal with difficult missions can just add The Hell Dovacoon back and everyone will be happy.

Tomorrow'SSSS will be MIRV Spam with Shields again, that's nice~ I'm looking forward to it

Test Type I

· One min read
Collaborator of the site, Laser Storm lover

Welcome to the second test blog post after the revival of the blog session.

Daily Mission#3009-SS 4-2、5-1、5-2、5-4 footages of Disaris-Omega were collected

Daily Mission#3010-SSSS Roc of 5-1 is pretty......5-2 try wrap around,watch out for Darts when back to the bottom