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Beginner’s Guide, Q&A

They were written as a guide for joining while pronounced as a guide for dropping (no).

Reminder: This guide has been revised for the latest version of the game (v6.3.1, as of the newest edit), and the GameFAQs Guide has been incorporated.

This guide is presented in Q&A format.

1. Are you a Phoenix 2 beginner or a veteran?

  • A. Beginner. Please proceed to read this guide.

    If you are unclear about what to do next, please screenshot your hangar and show it to other fellow Phoenix 2 players so they can offer genuine guidance.

    A beginner's goal is to have 10000+ total flights and consistently stay in S4 (pre-v6.0) or Marshal League (post-v6.0).

    You can also head to our website's achievements page and calculate your score to compare it with others. (Now, the achievements page is no longer available. If you need it, I will consider rebuilding it.)

    If you are a beginner, please ask more instead of being overly assertive to make instructor NPCs’ lives easier when correcting mistakes.

    Please be wary of other players’ opinions no matter where you are, whether in the QQ group chat or Discord server.

  • B. Veteran. Please head straight to our QQ group chat or the Discord server. You are welcome to read this guide, perhaps finding trivia you haven’t noticed before.

2. It’s my first time playing. Anything to look out for?

Here’s what you need to know if it’s your first time playing:

  • Warp Gate Tips

  • Beginner's Guide

    According to the current meta, it is recommended that beginners avoid most ships with Single Shot, Spread Shot, Continuous Stream main weapons/Barrier/Laser Storm/Point Defense/Kappa Drive, or all ships with Phalanx/Ion Cannon/Goliath Missile/Focus Lance/Clover ATS.


Learn the basics to develop the ability to distinguish good from bad, not to follow others’ personal opinions unthinkingly, or get lost in a sea of memes when group chatting. (Please be skeptical when someone says a ship is God-like or best in the game, and please use emojis when using memes. Newbies should never trust a single word from a meme with emojis.)

3. How do daily missions work?

In the current version of the game, three new missions are generated every day in any given rank. Promotion happens when all three missions are cleared, and clearing at most minuscule one prevents you from demotion. Demotion only occurs when none of the three missions is cleared. (This is relevant in all ranks, meaning one can be demoted from Marshal to Cadet. Though not playing at all won’t affect ranks.)

The first and second missions are relatively more accessible than the third in any given rank. Starting from the golden ranks (Colonel, Major, and Commander), Specialist missions take turns to generate in the second and third mission slots, meaning they can only be cleared with specified groups of ships. In Marshal rank, sBoB badges can be obtained from S3/S4 Specialist missions, while BoB badges can be obtained from S4 Daily missions.

The difficulty bar is generated based on the statistics of the number of deaths of players who have played. The more times players die in a particular wave, the greater the difficulty indicator will be. This is a dynamic process.

Without taking account of Community missions, the previous version of the game generated nine missions every week with 3600¢ max income. In comparison, the current version generates 21 missions every week with 4200¢ max income. In addition, DCBA leagues are replaced by more distinct ranks. All of these changes benefit those pilots on the rise who are inclined to grind more (more daily content and easier-to-earn credits).

4. How do community missions work?

Community missions serve as a supplement to daily missions. To play these missions, you first need to join a community. Each community's missions are different, with refresh times varying based on the community's founding time.

Community missions refresh every 72 hours and do not yield highlight badges but can reward up to 400 credits per mission. Unlike daily missions, community missions use an ancient mission generator, meaning their weapon sets are entirely different. Their feature is the repetitive and single types of turrets, and they usually include two different types of invaders in each community mission. The overall difficulty of community missions is Commander, so it's normal for beginners to struggle to complete them.

When joining a community, you must enter the exact name, respecting uppercase and lowercase letters. After playing a community mission, regardless of whether you succeed or fail, you cannot leave the current community until the next refresh.

A Small Hint

In Phoenix 2, asking for permission to join the community is unnecessary. You need to search for the community name and click to enter. Likewise, there are no thresholds to creating a community. So you can join, create, or leave communities at will. Here we list some of the most popular communities with a large number of people:

  • Myth (The Myth community created this site, and its members are mainly members of the Myth)
  • One (The largest Chinese community in early Phoenix 2)
  • Davination II (An emerging community on the Discord server, with members from the Davin family)
  • Fireteam X HQ
  • Imperial Starfleet
  • Bullet Hellspawn

5. What’s a Firi Account for?

Click Here

6. Are there any fundamental game mechanics?

All players receive the same ships in the Get Ships section. To get a good ship, you need to either wait for it to refresh for you to buy or draw one from the Warp Gate. One of the ships featured in the Specialist mission is also available in one of the three slots. (It is not recommended for beginners to buy ships specifically for Specialist missions.)

The shop (Get Ships section) refreshes every 6 hours, specifically at times (concerning UTC/GMT +0) 12 am, 6 am, 12 pm & 6 pm. The selection of 3 ships is random each time. One of the three ships will be featured in the Specialist mission if you are in golden ranks or above. Furthermore, every player will get the same selection of ships from which to buy. If you already have the ship in the shop, tapping on it leads you to the screen for that ship.

If you wish to spend some real money, it is recommended that you purchase the Special Offer, which is available once every week (you can email EL to give you the offer sooner). A 4 times value offer ($4.99 for 20000¢) is only available once per account (available occasionally if you haven’t purchased any Special Offers before). Regardless, mission clearing mainly depends on skills and the ships you fly with instead of how much money you spend on the game.

Daily missions from the same rank are of similar difficulty. Community missions are about as challenging as Commander rank missions, so it’s typical for beginners not to be able to clear Community missions.

The game runs on the same server regardless of region. Though the rank is below Major, there are different servers. Leaderboards below the Marshal rank are of limited value for reference, so please avoid buying ships according to leaderboard top spots early on.

The Warp Gate can be activated once every 12 hours. This rewards you with 50¢/ 150¢/300¢ + 2 revives, a random stat upgrade for one of your ships (100¢ instead if you already have that upgrade), a new ship, or a random Apex (a fully upgraded ship with one of its Apex forms, happens once every three years on average). Details are provided in the next section.

The difficulty and affinity of Community missions are generated randomly and independently of the size of the community or the number of top players in it. It is recommended that beginners join Myth Community (capitalized M) for quick guidance in our group chat or participation in speed-run competitions.

Completion of a Community mission rewards you with 400¢. Completion of a non-community mission rewards you with 200¢.

7. Are there any patterns to Warp Gate activations?

Click Here


According to some players, the Warp Gate will probably give you a ship's upgrade after you have cleared the Daily S4 mission. So if you need ship upgrades and not credits 50+2, it's suggested to clear the Daily S4 mission first, then open the warp gate just after you play the mission.

8. What are revives for?

Click Here

10. How do you interpret in-game ship stats?

Ship stats displayed in the game reflect ships’ strengths. Detailed stats are available on our website's dedicated ship pages and Zen/Aura pages. However, sometimes ambiguity lies in the DPS stats of ships.

There are three different types of main weapons in this game.

  • Armor Piercing: bypass the 30% damage reduction against Armored invaders.

  • High Impact: has a 25% chance to deal 150% damage to Unprotected invaders or unprotected parts of other invaders (including the cockpit of Armored invaders, or Shielded invaders when their shields are destroyed).

  • Shield Breaker: deals 250% damage to shields on Shielded invaders.

Sometimes, there is a discrepancy between the in-game performance of a ship (primary weapon with AOE damage) and its DPS displayed in ship stats. The game calculates hit damage (aka impact damage) separately from AOE damage, whereas the DPS stat displays the sum of the two.

Take Jeria as an example; it has a displayed DPS of 31.25, split into 29.25 hit damage and 2 AOE damage. Since Jeria fires once every 0.4 seconds, a single projectile from its main weapon actually deals 11.7 hit damage and 2 AOE damage (verified by EL).

If you are interested, you can test other ships’ actual in-game performance. I won’t go into details here.

11. What is a VIP?

The VIP system, also known as the monthly subscription, was introduced in the 7.0 version update. Specifically, VIPs enjoy some privileged features, such as:

  • Custom player tags, which can be displayed on the leaderboard
  • Faster warp gate refresh rate (reduced from once every 12 hours to once every 9 hours)
  • An additional 1000 credits upon activation

The price for VIP is 4.99 USD, and each purchase is valid for 30 days, after which it needs to be repurchased. For new players, this is a good way to speed up gaining credits and level-ups through warp gate. The exclusive VIP nameplate is also a symbol of status.

The customizable content for the nameplate includes:

  • Style: where to place the name, whether to add a plane icon, whether to display the time, whether to show personal kill count, etc.
  • Color scheme
  • Background pattern
  • Separator
  • Subtitles: personal league, level, favorite plane, GG, veteran level, etc.

12. Any in-game tips for beginners?

Click Here

13. How to survive in a bullet hell?

Click Here

14. How to practice speed-running?

Click Here

15. I’ve read it all, but I’m still unsure how to improve. What should I do?

  • Record your finished/unfinished runs and seek suggestions in our group chat.

  • You can opt to specialize in a single ship or find an expert on that ship in our group chat for one-on-one guidance.

  • Practice makes perfect.

16. Other General Questions.

Q. Are there any technical terms in this game?

A. Please head over to the Glossary page on our website.

Q. How do I earn credits?

A. You receive credits by clearing missions, watching ads, leveling up, activating Warp Gate, or purchasing them.

Q. How much are all the ships and APEXes?

A. The total credits required to upgrade each ship in the game are the same: Main 2850 + Aura 3150 + Zen 3300 = 9300. Each common ship is 500 credits, each rare ship is 1500 credits, and each super rare ship is 3000 credits.

CommonRareSuper RareTotal (Ship)Total (Upgrade)

APEX prices are listed below:


APEX debrief is listed below:


Therefore, if you don't claim any reward from the Warp Gate, you will spend up to 5740500 credits to collect all ships and all APEXes.

Considering the special offer of 20000 credits at $6.99, you need 41 special offers at $49.99, which is a $2056.58. If you only buy the $99.99 deal, that will be $4099.59. (Ignore the 500)

Q. Why are top players so fast?

A. No cheats but pure skills.

Q. Where is the Android version?

A. You can find it in Google Play Store

Q. How do I demote?

A. It is NOT possible to demote since v7.2.2.

Q. Which ships are worth practicing?

A. You can pick one from the Tier List after checking out our detailed ship pages and watching gameplay videos. You can also seek advice from our group chat by showing your hangar.

Q. I want to know more about the mechanics of the game.

A. Look them up or ask for help in our group chat. You can also head over to BiliBili for gameplay videos.

Q. How do I update the game?

A. First, make sure you have a Firi Account. Then, search for Phoenix 2 in Purchased in the App Store. If it’s available there, you can delete and re-install the game; if not, you need an App Store account in a region where the game is available.

Q. Why am I still unable to clear missions with the recommended ships?

  1. First, make sure the recommended ship is not a meme ship. Second, be sure to know if the ship fits its role. For instance, you need a survival ship for a challenging mission, while the recommended ship you are flying is a tricky speed-running ship or an impractical toy ship.

  2. You need to fully upgrade a ship to be able to utilize it well. Sometimes, you need game-changer Apexes such as Delta Phoenix or Gamma Qhelqod.

  3. A ship needs basic proficiency to perform certain maneuvers, apply specific techniques, or dodge bullets to clear a mission.

  4. Ships suit their tasks differently. Difficulty isn’t reduced when you use a recommended ship for an unmatched mission.

  5. The game filters out players as its difficulty increases. Using recommended ships may reduce the difficulty. However, you still have to overcome such hardship to consistently clear missions.

  6. Trial and error is crucial to mission clearing, especially for beginners without any experience. It takes patience to develop proficiency. Practice makes perfect.

Q. Can I try out different ships?

A. Recently, the process of switching accounts has been complicated, and there have been precedents of malicious destruction of shared accounts, so there is a certain threshold for providing shared accounts. If you want to try some ships, ask FBI Davination (Discord) or go to Reddit Forum and ask u/Phoenix_Revive to borrow an account.


Shared accounts are common property; their ownership belongs to the account owner who generously provides the account. Please do not use the credits and revives in the account without authorization! We believe that every player who comes to inquire about the shared account should consciously follow the rules of use and not behave in a manner that degrades yourself!

17. Where can I find gameplay videos of different ships?

A. You can find gameplay videos in our group chat. (id:夜光撩人 posts excellent videos.)

B. You can also look for various BiliBili channels (They are all in the Myth group chat, and please leave a like, comment, or subscribe to support their channels) listed below:

  • 大白白龙(Ogon farming)-In-game ID:👑

  • 禅师(Jeria wholesale market)-In-game ID:禅师/佛土/月色

  • 胡巴superman(daily video sharing)-In-game ID:夜光鸟人

  • LYH003(student, occasional uploads)-In-game ID:LYH/银河上人

  • 伊人化淡妆丶(occasional uploads)-In-game ID:执着的鲁班

  • p2乄小言(weird shenanigans)-In-game ID:小言

  • 柳也君(demonstration of all Apexes, and uploads of speedruns)-In-game ID:柳也SAMA

  • 筑梦者812 (occasional speedrun uploads, and BoB/sBoB winner of Krillou, Jeria, Kibarrax, Shogun and Juggernaut, etc.)-In-game ID:Flyingfish 812

  • Judgement68(Nimbus sBoB, and general speed-running)-游戏内ID:Judgement68

  • 夜光撩人(Exarch sBoB, Corsair, Banshee and Centurion speed-running)-In-game ID:夜光撩人

  • 凯侃(practical speed-running tutorials and compilations of funky shenanigans)-In-game ID:我永远喜欢易格修(some of the P2Myth ad accounts)

  • Superior(Jeria and Exarch BoB, master of VL ships)-In-game ID:superior

  • -占卜家序列8-(reposts of videos from group chat)-In-game ID:还在新手村

  • 阿我忘了(occasional Shogun player)-In-game ID:煙(kemu)

  • 彳彳行亍亍(这个看不懂啥意思…)-In-game ID:彳彳行亍亍

  • 绝海的侦探(veteran speed-runner)-In-game ID:The story never end

  • 牙膏当成洗面奶(veteran speed-runner)-In-game ID:达拉斯老司机

  • CharSven(Sigma Icarus expert)-In-game ID:Char_Sven

  • 阿岳在路上(off-meta ships)-In-game ID:scp-173

  • 嘤嘤嘤の早坂爱(hardly uploads)-In-game ID:无上-幅光

C. You can search for gameplay videos on YouTube.

18. When will I be asked to leave the Myth group chat?

  • Behaving unfriendly, and keeps doing so when reminded.

  • Praising a player while disparaging others causes chaos—offensive chattering and swearing.

  • Sabotaging shared resources.

  • Please treat the group chat as a public square, as everyone has the right to speak. When nobody replies, please consider whether your chat history makes people willing to do so.

  • The same also applies to the Discord server.

To Beginners

Lastly, the Myth Club has the ability, resources, or tutorials to help every beginner get started, get better, and finally claim top spots. Please trust us.

Contents from GameFAQs has been revised and incorporated into this page. All contents are provided by authors:

  • 我永远喜欢易格修(author of the original content)

  • Flyingfish812(content updates and proofreading)

  • FBI Light Rock(author of the original GameFAQs guide, authorized)