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Congradulations for the end of the event Felix-Felicis!

After three rounds of competition in 9 days, the entire schedule of this competition was ended on April 13, 2024. In the later stage of the competition, we collected opinions and feedback from participants, and we present them here.

Comments from all players are presented in their original text, and if you need to read comments in another language, you can use a translator.


At the beginning of the third round of this competition, we opened a questionnaire to collect opinions and feedback from participants. As of April 16, we have received a total of 26 responses. Thank you for your participation!

All option settings this time are multi-select, which means that players can select multiple options or express some of his or her own opinions.

Original Result table

  • What do you think of the rule?

    1. What a mess, I cannot understand why it's so complex. (1)

    2. That's OK, I can understand what I should do in the event. (14)

    3. It's unfair, because some players can benefit from the buffs while I cannot. (5)

    4. It's unfair, because I can choose from so many ships in round 1 while only a few in round 2 and 3. (2)

    5. It's fair, because it gives balances to different ships. (14)

    6. It's a complete rule, it has considered different occasions. (5)

    7. Some other feedback:

    • 奖罚时太少,不足以让大家都不用或者用某些飞机(By 早)
    • 选手实力仍存在判断差距导致不平均的情况(By Sylvester)
    • 我队友和我都很菜,下次建议分个强的(By 文璇)
    • Von Braun should have probably gotten a slight nerf but idk (By Dubguy)
  • Did you have a good experience of participation?

    1. I'm really happy and I'm passionate on every round. (13)

    2. This event is a bit long and I'm tired to try my best from beginning to end. (5)

    3. I've enjoyed a good time with my teammate. (13)

    4. I'm in trouble with the cooperation with my teammate. (4)

    5. I want to somehow quit the event midway. (3)

    6. Some other feedback:

    • 无聊至极的比赛,one还是老样子,垃圾(By 大白白龙)
    • 除了肝还是肝,肝社区兴趣不大(By 早)
    • 有能学习到的内容是最重要的(By Sylvester)
    • 我的队友ID和实际不一样,最后一轮的倒数第二天才知道(By 西风烈)
  • What do you think of the environment in the community chat?

    1. Love it. Every player joins this heated communication. (14)

    2. Not bad. At least nobody is aggressive. (11)

    3. I'm eager to join, but the communication barrier has annoyed me. (4)

    4. I don't like this kind of environment. (0)

    5. Some other feedback:

    • 魔怔人滚(By 希阳)
    • 没必要参加的比赛(By 大白白龙)
  • Do you think that the whole team, including the organizers and the other contributors, has done its duty?

    1. Yes, they give the rules and the information clearly and timely. (21)

    2. Yes, they inform the participants the evolution of the event in time. (14)

    3. Yes, they have stimulated lots of players to join the event. (15)

    4. No, their descriptions on the information are confusing. (1)

    5. No, I cannot get their information updates from time to time. (0)

    6. No, I'm not touched by their seemingly useless efforts. (1)

    7. Some other feedback:

    • im not very sure about this but scorpion from my perspectives had worked very hard and done a good job including ff so i think the duty of the organizers and contributors had been done all (By Candy (百鬼あやめ))

    Regarding this question, the publisher of the questionnaire has modified some relevant statements and deleted expressions that could easily cause ambiguity such as "promotion team" in the original question statement.

  • You will give an overall rating on the event itself:

    1 (1), 3 (1), 6 (2), 7 (2), 8 (6), 9 (7), 10 (7)

    Average: 8.12

  • You will give an overall rating on the promotion work:

    3 (1), 5 (2), 6 (4), 7 (1), 8 (6), 9 (4), 10 (8)

    Average: 8

  • You will give an overall rating on the organizers:

    1 (1), 6 (2), 7 (1), 8 (8), 9 (5), 10 (9)

    Average: 8.42

  • Do you have other comments on this event?

    • 不仅能在活动中收获快乐,也能收获技术,收获朋友。这是我参加过的我认为最成功的p2活动(By One.Vic)
    • 难度太简单了,希望难度下回调成4S(By 鸠子)
    • 作为菜鸡已经非常有参与感了,很感谢staff们带来的这次活动。玩的很开心!美中不足的是p2真的太难了🥲(By 莱井)
    • 😎👍(By WOO!)
    • 以后没必要强行合体,互相看不上就算了,没必要(By 大白白龙)
    • 希望可以在日常任务中举办比赛,社区大部份人通关了就不愿意碰了(By 早)
    • 下次可以多举办(By 西风烈)
    • 组队安排没办法做到完全公平,这场比赛本身就是不公平的(By gzy的爹)
    • I think there should be an optional section in signup that asks for a method of contact, allowing easier time for partners to get in touch with each other, and I think events like this should happen on a regular interval, maybe once every two months. (By Davin XII (vomer))
    • It’s definitely hard to make sure teams are balanced with these events but the presentation of the rules and ships is clear. (By Dubguy)
    • Such a cool event thx :) (By Nightt)
    • would love to participant in more events like this (By sleet)
    • 希望除第一名以外的参与者也能获得一些小奖励,鼓励后几轮大家积极参与。(By _A_H_II)
    • we need to nerf dubguy (By Candy (百鬼あやめ))
    • It would be nice if there was a scoreboard posted every round. (By AdelineG218)
    • It was fun, and allowed the different p2 communities to come together :D (By MonkeMagic)
    • Some of the answers here don't fit exactly what I think but get the general idea. I initially thought I would be in a pair with my friend "I toast toast" but learned after we had signed up that we'd be with randoms. This was then slightly difficult in both finding and communicating with my teammate who's name was in a different language. Aside from that, really unique with the ships and I really enjoyed using ships I typically don't use.☺️ (By I toast crunch)

From the publisher of the survey

By Flyingfish812

As a member helping the promotion work, I indirectly participated in this competition (due to personal schedule constraints that prevented me from devoting much time to participating directly). I am delighted to see players interacting, fostering relationships, and exchanging technical expertise during the competition. Based on the feedback from the survey, the majority of players are satisfied with the organization and execution of this competition. In formulating the rules, to address the inherent imbalances among the competing aircraft, the organizer, 皓°-Scorpion丿, and relevant parties engaged in extensive discussions, revisions, and efforts to refine all aspects of the competition rules, striving to provide a fair competitive stage for everyone. Despite some inevitable oversights in the details, the formulation of these rules indeed aimed to achieve a balance from various perspectives.

Simultaneously, as the current administrator of this platform, I volunteered to promote this event with the hope that players can enjoy themselves together. Since the game itself is niche and our community is not very large, I particularly hope that players can engage in as much communication as possible, thereby avoiding conflicts and disputes. Some unpleasant incidents did occur during the competition, almost dredging up past grievances. This is not the competitive atmosphere I wish to see; I hope players can respect each other and maintain a positive environment both during and outside of the competition. I also hope that players, in addition to participating in the competition, will work together to improve our gaming community.

Furthermore, I would like to extend special thanks to the player, 圆锥曲线, who took on the role of battlefield reporter. Throughout the competition, he dedicatedly documented the progress of the matches and provided us with many exclusive insights, enriching the competition.

Lastly, heartfelt thanks to all the personnel involved in the event and to all the players who actively participated. Your collective efforts and participation have led to the successful completion of this competition.

Thoughts from player

By Dubguy

The concept and rules were really solid: the description on p2myth with the images was really helpful because discord search sucks now. Scorpions per round tabulation was nice as well.

You had a decent amount of innovation and off meta ships being played which was fun to see.

I think it’s hard to get the balance of teams perfectly right- i benefitted a lot from my teammate but im not sure how to avoid that.

The only potential miss was having Von Braun be unnerfed when I was in the competition: if you take me out of the equation the adjusted time for fujin and Von Braun was around 2:20. Not sure if ship bans for a specific person are justified but if these happen in the future I can take a self nerf.

I didn’t talk to my teammate too much but I’m not sure if communication problems were rampant - my teammate got on discord but other than the first mission we had a set gameplan.


At this point, all content of this competition has come to an end. Looking forward to seeing you all at the next event!