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Fast bullets that always track you, it is also called "snipe".

There are many types of dart turrets, but generally two main categories: tracking darts and dart spinners. In addition, the turret on the Sparrow and on the middle of the heron can also be equipped with a dart turret, but it can only fire forward.

  • 圆锥曲线: Go to hell, thanks. 🌹
  • Dark骑士: A simple dart mission is not difficult, even with a large spinner. What is more difficult is that the turret appears in the middle of the screen, and there are lasers on both sides. This restricts the area of movement, and you cannot use any positioning skills.

Tiers and Patterns - Dart Tracker

  • Tier 0 (Figure 1): Medium turning speed, bullets will not be fired immediately. It will wait briefly after aiming, then fire a dart.
    • It looks like a Tier 1 dart but it's even weaker than tier 1.
  • Tier 1 (Figure 1): The turning speed is fast. When your core appears within the fan-shaped range it is aiming at, it will immediately fire 3 darts.
  • Tier 2 (Figure 2): The turning speed is fast. When your core appears within the fan-shaped range it is aiming at, it will immediately fire 3 rounds of darts side by side. The gap between the two darts can just accommodate your core.
    • In Touhou Project, this kind of pattern is also called an even-numbered snipe. In contrast, the first two are called odd number snipe.
  • Tier 3 (Figure 3): The turning speed is fast. When your core appears within the fan-shaped range it is aiming at, it will immediately fire 3 rounds of fan-shaped darts, divided into 5 lines.
  • Tier 4 (Figure 4): The turning speed is fast. When your core appears within the fan-shaped range it is aiming at, it will immediately fire 5 rounds of fan-shaped darts, divided into 7 lines.

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It is possible to stay completely still when faced with purely and only T2 dart tracking turrets as the 2 lanes of darts will pass right by you. The example below illustrates an extreme case.

A rarely-used technique is the inside graze. It's a very safe skill that also gives you a lot of energy. Darts are fired at a certain distance from the muzzle, so we can cleverly use this blind spot to graze the bullets. The specific position requires more practice to find. The key point is to find a delicate balance between the turret and the bullet.

Darts are very generic bullets are there is generally no defensive Aura or Zen that is best against them. It depends on situation on what is the best defence.

Tiers and Patterns - Dart Spinner

  • Tier 1 (Figure 1): Each group fires darts continuously in 4 directions, and 8 directions in total. Depending on the intensity, each row of dartss ranges from 3 to 5.
  • Tier 2 (Figure 2): Each group fires darts continuously in 4 directions, and 12 directions in total. Depending on the intensity, each row of dartss ranges from 3 to 5.
  • Tier 3 (Figure 3): Each group fires darts continuously in 8 directions, and 32 directions in total, with 5 darts in each row.
  • Tier 4 (Figure 4): Each group fires darts continuously in 8 directions, and 56 directions in total, with 5 darts in each row.
    • Generally speaking, every row (3 or 5 darts) fired will empty two bullet positions, so the Tier 4 dart spinner can form a perfect dart spiral.
    • Don't try to concel, tell me honestly, you feel particularly cumfortable inbetween right?