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Kappa Drive

A skill that significantly increases the speed of energy absorption.

More useful on radius based Auras than counter based Auras since any amount of using Kappa will almost always help. A very useful dodging tool, thus highly recommended for beginner players. Even helps pros in the toughest missions. Best abused on a bigger screen.

The details of this skill are listed as follows:

Attraction Power (%)100129157186214214
Generator Efficiency (%)100114129143157157
  • Ultimate: Slows down time by 50% (half the normal game speed, like playing a YouTube video at ×0.5 speed) when Kappa Drive is active.
  • Score: 3.82 / 10
  • Useful Levels: 1, Ult
  • Priority Level: 1 / 8
  • Illustration: The first one shows that you can attract energy particles quickly; The second one shows that you can generate energy particles of your own; The third one shows that you can slow down the game time.


  • Editor: You really need so much energy?
  • ☀🐕: Kappa Drive is actually a supportive Aura with no defense capabilities because the time slow can be made up by quicker reaction time from the player, unless it’s bullet hell. Due to its supportive nature, KD will become much more powerful if it stops energy absorption while Aura is full to prevent overflow.


As you upgrade Kappa, you just get better Aura usage out of an improved Kappa Drive. Kappa Drive should be always used between wave and Act transitions, unless you are already at full Aura capacity. Obviously, Kappa should be used if your Aura is running low, which means either a small radius, or you are left with 1 or 2 counters. Kappa only serves to enhance the Aura, so the actual usefulness of Kappa depends more of the Aura than Kappa itself. It can be both offensive and defensive. It can serve to improve survivability or speedrunning capabilities. Bear in mind Kappa disrupts many main weapon firings, unless they are of the Burst weapon class. Kappa usage during waves should be regulated according to the ship's weapon class.

A less known fact is that all ships equipped with Kappa have a more powerful passive particle attraction. This means that even without Kappa active, you are pulling in particles faster than a non-Kappa ship.

However, when upgraded to ult, the utility of Kappa is increased greatly. The slowdown in time allows for the technique known as Kappa Dodge. This technique allows to dodge between the tiniest of gaps between bullets, which are normally nearly not humanly possible due to the speed of this game. The movement of bullets also makes dodging much more difficult under normal circumstances since there are so many bullets moving in many different directions. The time slowdown also allows you to make decisions better. This gives Kappa an additional defensive aspect. Refer to Kappa Dodge for the execution of this technique. The other advantage of having a slowed time is the ability to safely graze many bullets. This severely enhances defensive radius based Auras since you can quickly generate a usable Aura size after using that radius based Aura again. It also helps offensive radius based Auras quite a bit due to the fact they can be launched quicker and disposed off quickly to allow another charge to start building up again, but Kappa must be used pre-emptively (and abused) so that you can kill without getting cornered. Kappa does help counter based Auras, but not as much since it takes a longer time for the effects of Kappa to be realized.

Kappa regulation is very important in very dense waves. It should be used in very small bursts in order to pull in just enough particles to keep a healthy sized Aura, or enough to fill your counters almost to the max (one less than the max). Overabusing Kappa in dense waves will result in particle shortage later on. For offensive based Auras, be sure to know the disposal time of your Aura as some Auras such as MS and LS take a bit longer to dispose compared to VL or GM, and progressively pull in particles as your Aura is beingh disposed of (instead of simply letting it run from the start).

APEX 1: Antigrav

  • Game Description: Ignore energy particle weight and increase passive attraction power.
  • Numeric Interpretation: All the particles will be attracted on the same speed and you can absorb energy more easily.
  • Score: 0.55 / 5
  • Ships with the APEX: Gladius (Gamma), Marauder (Alpha), Oran (Beta), Vuxine (Alpha), Zephyr (Beta)

Editor: Imagine you sucking on the bubbles in your bubble milk tea.

This Apex pulls in all types of particles at the same speed while Kappa is active. In other words, gold, green and blue particles are all drawn in by Kappa at the same speed with this apex, while normally green and gold particles are drawn in much slower than blue particles as they are heavier. It also increases the speed at which particles are attracted to your ship even while Kappa is not active. Particle weight is also negated even when Kappa is not active.

This apex is generally useful for offensive Auras (with the exception of LS, but no LS-Kappa ships have this apex anyway) since you can exhaust your particles faster and still as efficiently, resulting in extremely fast kills. With defensive Aura ships, it can help when you are trapped. However, when that happens, you would have usually already exhausted all particles on screen, rendering this apex of little help. This apex is meant to be used for more pre-emptive usage, so use it to deploy your defences more pre-emptively.

The immerse amount of particles on screen in daily missions make it slightly less necessary for a faster rate of absorption, given that how close invaders can be to the bottom of the field, making it already quite easy to pull in particles. Careful regulation of particles required in daily missions to reserve for future dense or heavy waves also make Kappa Antigrav quite difficult to regulate particle intake well.