Move from one place to another immediately.

Very straightforward Zen to use. The best Zen for beginner players as it is simply an escape tool. Fast cooldown also means it is highly abusable and easy to use, without too much worry of running into long charge times.
The details of this skill are listed as follows:
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Ultimate |
Charging Duration (s) | 0.8 | 0.7 | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.4 |
Charge Time Increase (s) | 0.6 | 0.5 | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.2 | 0.2 |
Charge Time Recovery (s) | Fast (3.5) | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ | ~ |
- Ultimate: Arrival EMP, which produces a small BEMP of radius 50 immediately on arriving at your new location you tapped on. Note that the center of the Arrival EMP radius is with respect to the ship, and not the core, which means some TP ships are slightly disadvantaged in the fact their core is placed more forward in the Arrival EMP circle.
- Score: 8.18 / 10
- Useful Levels: 1, Ult
- Priority Level: 7 / 8
- Illustration:

- Editor: Does the hand you raised hastily when facing the speed laser look like a French military salute?
- ☀🐕: Great for survivability. But most TP ships are toys except Icarus. It’s a shame to see that Icarus becomes a toy too nowadays.
If you don't have an ult TP, you can try something else called "Implosive Grazing" where you teleport right into the very spot the MIRV exploded, but only after the MIRV has really exploded (because you can die by the MIRV itself as well). Bear in mind it only works if it is a lone MIRV and MIRVs that are very tightly clustered and you are sure every one of them has exploded. This technique is shown below:

APEX 1: Explosive Arrival
- Game Description: Arrival EMP has been modulated to also deal damage to Invaders in its range.
- Numeric Interpretation: Deals 30 damage to Invaders within a range of 50 from the arrival point.
- Score: 4.27 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Barret (Epsilon), Czar (Lambda), Icarus (Sigma), Luna (Omega), Sakura (Phi), Xaniea (Lambda)
Editor: Slippers for stepping on cockroaches.
APEX 2: Double Teleport
- Game Description: Enables an instant charge for a second Teleport directly upon arrival.
- Numeric Interpretation: The charging for the second Teleport will be completed instantly after the first one.
- Score: 2.00 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Czar (Delta), Sakura (Epsilon), Trireme (Tau)
Editor: Don't worry, I'll just step on your foot and then leave, no other intention.
This apex allows you to immediately use TP again after you have arrived at your new location from the first TP, without incurring the increase in charge time for this second teleport. (Subsequent TPs will suffer the charge time increase though) However, the second teleport must be done immediately/near immediately after you complete the first teleport. There is only just enough time for you to use one counter of your Aura, fully release your Aura (for radius based Auras) or do a very brief swipe.
APEX 3: Extended Clearance
- Game Description: Energy from the Teleport is released on arrival to extended the range of the Arrival EMP.
- Numeric Interpretation: The clearing space increases from 50 to 80.
- Score: 1.55 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Aurora (Lambda), Claymore (Delta), Orion (Lambda), Prime X (Tau), Tillat'Or (Epsilon), Vani-Vith (Sigma)
Editor: I'll step on you, but don't step on me.
APEX 4: Departure EMP
- Game Description: Residual energy is converted to a Bullet EMP on the location the ship teleports away from.
- Numeric Interpretation: A Bullet EMP of range 80 will be activated at the starting point when using Teleport.
- Score: 1.00 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Hunter (Alpha)
Editor: I've already escaped, why should I care about what happens in the original spot?
To be honest, the bonus of this APEX is somewhat difficult to understand because it releases a Bullet EMP at the departure point. The only plausible explanation is that if you just teleport to a nearby location, the effects of the Bullet EMP from departure and arrival points can overlap to eliminate more bullets. However, bullet clearing can be achieved by using the Phalanx as bulldozer. If you find yourself needing to combine the departure and arrival Bullet EMPs, it means you're already in a very dangerous situation. Consider optimizing your strategy.
APEX 5: Darkfire Blast
- Game Description: The Darkfire shot upon Teleport arrrival now deals blast damage.
- Numeric Interpretation: The Darkfire shot deals an AOE damage of range 100.
- Score: 2.55 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Trinity (Delta)
- Illustration: This is the base effect, and the APEX will change the damage to AOE damage.

Editor: A moderate-range explosive attack.
The Blackfire of Trinity becomes area damage, which brings about a technical demand for the ship. This enhancement is better than the effect of another APEX of Trinity. As a survival-oriented ship, it doesn't need to be close to invaders for output, so it can entirely opt for upgrading its output. In terms of usage, use teleportation as an offensive tactic as much as possible. Release the Blackfire in the middle of dense enemy groups to cause more damage and save its lackluster main weapon output.