Vorpal Lance
Shoot a piercing lance that hit all the invaders in the line.

Easy and straightforward to use offensive Aura. Easily recommendable for all players. Potential to deal devastating damage when utilized to maximum effect. Slightly annoying at times due to RNG at play, plays quite a big factor when speedrunning. Very meta in daily missions.
The details of this skill are listed as follows:
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Ultimate |
Damage | 33 | 34.65 | 36.3 | 37.95 | 39.6 | 39.6 |
Counters | 2 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
- Ultimate: Allows the fired VL projectile itself to clear bullets as it travels forward.
- Score: 9.18 / 10
- Useful Levels: 2, 5, (sometimes Ult)
- Priority Level: 2 / 8
- Illustration: The first one shows that it can hit the back invader; The second one shows how to clear bullets.

- Editor: It's useless to hide behind, bro.
- ☀🐕: With both offensive and defensive capabilities, VL really is the best all-round Aura, boasting extreme effectiveness against crowded groups of enemies. Though not as good when soloing high HP enemies. And grinding for RNG is somewhat frustrating.
- Hank: An ult VL is a Sudden Spurt of a Salted Fish!
APEX 1: Twin Lance
- Game Description: Split Vorpal Lance into two projectiles for a larger surface area.
- Numeric Interpretation: The surface area is doubled.
- Score: 4.18 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Antioch (Delta), Gladius (Epsilon), Jeria (Epsilon), Neni (Epsilon), Vani-Vith (Epsilon)
Editor: The actual width has increased, making shooting even more enjoyable.
APEX 2: High Capacity
- Game Description: Vorpal Lance can store more energy, adding an additional Counter.
- Numeric Interpretation: The maximum number of counters increases from 4 to 5.
- Score: 2.81 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Antioch (Beta), Exarch (Epsilon), Icarus (Delta), Saber (Beta), Wraith (Gamma)
Editor: Why hold back from shooting? It will only lead to problems.
This apex increases the maximum number of counters for VLs from 4 to 5.
APEX 3: Trident
- Game Description: Splits Vorpal Lance in three directions to strike more targets.
- Numeric Interpretation: Lances are shot in three directions, and they share an overall 39.6 damage.
- Score: 2.09 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Naya (Tau), Warden (Phi)
Editor: Nicely put, it's called a trident; not so nicely, it's a pee fork.
The bonus of this APEX is sometimes a form of negative optimization. Although the lance itself is divided into three branches and shot in three directions, covering a larger area, the cost is that the damage on each branch is reduced to one-third. The most direct consequence is that a single lance cannot eliminate raven unless the lance is used at close range. The total damage of two of the three lance branches is 26.4, while the unprotected raven have 27 health points. In other words, you either need to use the main weapon for follow-up attacks or use another lance, both of which require additional actions.
Its advantage lies in being able to more efficiently deal with sparrow swarms because one lance is enough to eliminate any type of sparrow. According to the coverage area of the trident, usually only two lances are needed to clear the vast majority of sparrows, while the remaining sparrows need to be dealt with using the main weapon or Zen. A wider range means more bullets can be cleared; a single trident can clear out a considerable safe area, thereby increasing survivability. However, these advantages cannot make up for the lack of damage. When facing attacks from heavier waves, you will have to consider the consequences of damage dispersion. When you need to get close to ensure that the invaders take full damage from the lance, it invisibly increases your number of actions. Therefore, for those players whose basic skills with the lance are not very solid, it is best to avoid this APEX altogether or simply use the base form.