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Tracking Minigun

A minigun that fires continuously at invaders.

Because the Tracking Minigun takes so long to dispose of its damage, it is likely the worst Zen. It actually may work better at lower levels since the duration is shorter, leading to higher DPS.

The details of this skill are listed as follows:

Duration (s)44.555.566
Charging Duration (s)1~~~~~
Charge Time Increase (s)
Charge Time Recovery (s)Average (4.5)~~~~~
  • Ultimate: Adds Barrage Missiles, which takes some damage off the minigun and converts it to barrage missiles which have homing capabilities as well. It is nothing more than simply extra damage with a bit of nice touches.
  • Score: 6.91 / 10
  • Useful Levels: 1
  • Priority Level: 1 / 8
  • Illustration:


  • Editor: A decent small machine gun like the main weapon.
  • ☀🐕: I feel like Corsair is an interesting and powerful ship despite that I don’t fly it often. And I’ve seen other players making good use out of the Railgun. But Corsair’s main is too weak IMO. Please change its 31.25 DPS main to perfect homing similar to that of the 31.25 DPS 180 degrees instant tracking main of Shogun, to make it stand out as an OG.


The positioning of the Tracking Minigun can basically be regarded as the main weapon, because the missile from the main weapon is too weak. Generally speaking, miniguns need to be turned on to deal great damage when facing dense waves. Cooperating with the main weapon and Missile Swarm can allow the Corsair to produce very high continuous output. In many cases, you can ignore whether the main weapon is accurate or not, because your focus should be on whether the minigun is aimed at the invaders.

As a continuous skill, it should basically be charged and used as soon as the cooldown time expires. At the same time, try to avoid charging at the end of a wave to prevent a lot of damage from being wasted.

APEX 1: Railgun

  • Game Description: Replaces Minigun with a Railgun that fires projectiles that pierce through targets.
  • Numeric Interpretation: Fire 30 piercing projectiles, each with 6 damage.
  • Score: 3.91 / 5
  • Ships with the APEX: Corsair (Sigma)

Editor: Noble AOE damage.

Although the total damage is only 180, it will never cause just this amount of output in actual combat. The skill in using the Railgun is to attack the back row while aiming at the front row of invaders simultaneously. For example, when facing a whole column of invaders, pierce through this entire column at the front row, or when there are vultures along with ravens in the back row , use the Railgun to kill the back row as well. When using the Railgun, make sure to keep the muzzle in line with as many invaders as possible, like Shogun.