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Ion Cannon

Fires an ion cannon that stun the turrets within a range of 100.

Struggles against dense waves. Difficult to use since crowds are quite common, but there are ways to slightly overcome crowds. Not recommended for players with a skill level of intermediate or below.

The details of this skill are listed as follows:

Stun Time (s)4~~~~~
  • Ultimate: Deals a blast damage of 10 in a radius of 50. (A non ult IC does not do damage at all)
  • Score: 4.73 / 10
  • Useful Levels: 3, Ult
  • Priority Level: 6 / 8
  • Illustration:


  • Editor: The tears of the epoch. Once the Roc Barber, now the sewer residue.
  • ☀🐕: Being so weak and unwieldly, IC needs a serious buff.


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APEX 1: Blast Amplifier

  • Game Description: Blast radius and damage of the Ion Cannon projectiles are increased.
  • Numeric Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 100, the damage increases from 10 to 13.
  • Score: 3.27 / 5
  • Ships with the APEX: Barret (Beta), Dragonfly (Epsilon), NC-271 (Delta), Polaris (Gamma), Sonah (Gamma), Xavis (Gamma)

Editor: It looked a little bigger, but still only a little.

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APEX 2: Overcharge

  • Game Description: Overcharged Ion Cannon stuns targets in a larger area.
  • Numeric Interpretation: The stun radius increases from 90 to 100.
  • Score: 1.82 / 5
  • Ships with the APEX: Dragonfly (Gamma), Polaris (Beta), X-81 (Gamma), Xavis (Alpha)

Editor: It looks a bit bigger, but it's just that little bit bigger.

This APEX merely expands the stun range, but does not increase the damage of the ion cannon. In a sense, it's useless.

When the ion cannon can stun an entire invader, this skill has some room for maneuver. Even if the range is small, it stuns a large number of invaders. But now? It only stuns the turrets in this area. In the current version, this APEX is just a negligible bonus. If you can easily clear the mission using the original APEX, buying this APEX is simply a waste of money.

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