Place a shield in front of you to block the attacks.

A slightly underpowered defensive Aura, powerful in the hands of the skilled. Can be equivalent to small bursts of BEMPs. It may also be used as small Barriers, although it is not a very effective function.
The details of this skill are listed as follows:
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Ultimate |
Strength (%) | 100 | 108 | 116 | 125 | 137 | 150 |
Counters | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 |
- Ultimate: Increases the width of the Phalanx and extends it slightly downwards to have better side protection.
- Score: 4.18 / 10
- Useful Levels: 3, 5, Ult
- Priority Level: 2 / 8
- A strength of 100 equals to 24 bullets or 2 complete lasers (1s)
- Illustration:

- Editor: What would you like to block with it?
- ☀🐕: Phalanx is a bit crap as a means of defense because it breaks immediately after only one shoveling against a flood of bullets. It might be more viable if it has infinite durability but only lasts for 4 seconds.
- axv: This is actually a skill used to clear bullets. After activating the phalanx, rush forward to push away a bunch of bullets to gain space. Of course, the premise is that there are no lasers and boomerangs (no).
APEX 1: Reflector
- Game Description: Lasers reflect on the Phalanx front surface.
- Numeric Interpretation: Lasers that hit the Phalanx will be reflected to invaders with 10 damage per second.
- Score: 3.27 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Marauder (Beta), Valkyrie (Gamma)
Editor: Although it can reflect lasers outward, it's too fragile to withstand them.
This apex causes any lasers that hit the outer (or upper) edge of the Phalanx to reflect back to a random target, with a DPS of 20, similar to PS's Laser Reflection ult. The Phalanx is gold in color and fades to red as it takes damage. Bear in mind even though lasers are reflected, the Phalanx still takes damage from the lasers per usual.
APEX 2: Double Phalanx
- Game Description: A smaller additional Phalanx is placed at the front.
- Numeric Interpretation: A Phalanx with half of the original strength and size will be place front.
- Score: 2.36 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: 502-Q8 (Beta), Boxer (Alpha), Hunter (Gamma), Lorilou (Gamma)
Editor: Its existence is like particles on the condom.
This apex adds a second, smaller Phalanx at the front of the original Phalanx which has 1/3 the health of the original Phalanx, or 50% strength. They both have separate health. The breaking of the smaller Phalanx works the same way as the original larger Phalanx, there is a Phase Out time where it can potentially clear unlimited bullets in that time. Unlike Barrier, the smaller additional Phalanx will still continue to last in the rare case the larger original Phalanx breaks first.
APEX 3: Crisis EMP
- Game Description: Instantly clear the area inside the Phalanx with an EMP upon activation.
- Numeric Interpretation: Activate a Bullet EMP inside the Phalanx as soon as using the Phalanx.
- Score: 2.27 / 5
- Ships with the APEX: Esperon (Epsilon)
Editor: Quietly entering the village, don't let the shooters in.
This APEX is good news for the Phalanx. One use of the Phalanx is to act as a bulldozer, pushing forward through a large number of bullets. However, when you charge forward, you may overlook the bullets already inside the Phalanx, leading you to stupidly collide with them. Therefore, with the bonus of this APEX, you no longer have to worry about being killed by bullets inside the Phalanx when using it as a bulldozer. Charge forward confidently and pave the way!