It fits the name of the Banshee very well: it looks calm, but it hides murderous intent.
A female spirit in Irish folklore who heralds the death of a family member, usually by screaming, wailing, shrieking, or keening.
Basic Info
No: 89
Ship: Banshee
Affinity: Shield Breaking
Type: Full Offense (FO)
Main Weapon: Stormbringer
Aura: Goliath Missile
Zen: Focus Lance
Rarity: Super Rare
Price: 3000
Main Description: 18 homing missiles.
Upgrade Info:
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Ult DPS 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00
Main Aura Zen Survival Survival Tier Speedrun Speedrun Tier Fun Fun Tier 85.91 76.36 73.09 25.64 C 37.09 A- 38.73 A-
APEX1 APEX2 Base Score Base Rank Low Score Hi Score Apex Rank Final Score FinalRank 43.64 61.09 235.36 66 279.00 296.45 67 397.91 60
Main Weapon Illustration:
hank: I recommend this ship if you want to start Goliath Missile, and it's better with Phi's bullet-clearing effect. You will feel good if you can play it well.
菁鸟: An advice from a Sigma Banshee player: Buy the Phi.
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Name: Expert Focus
Type: Zen
Description: Launches Focus Lance even faster and recovers it more quickly.
Interpretation: The charge time decreases from 0.35s to 0.25s, the recovery time decreases from 4.5s to 3.5s.
Form: Sigma
Price: 35000
Score: 2.73 / 5
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Name: Disintegrator Warhead
Type: Aura
Description: Destroys enemy bullets caught in the blast.
Interpretation: Clears all the bullets within the blast radius of about 150.
Form: Phi
Price: 45000
Score: 3.82 / 5
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Video Illustration