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Why can it fly straight forward with its thrusters facing right?

Basic Info

  • No: 100
  • Ship: Disaris
  • Affinity: Armor Piercing
  • Type: Balanced
  • Main Weapon: Shadow Carver
  • Aura: Bullet EMP
  • Zen: Focus Lance
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 5 forward traveling ball projectiles being fired simultaneously, homing in on different targets after a while.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank

As ship no.100, Disaris is equipped with a bonus laser with either Apex as extra 2 DPS.

  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • 圆锥曲线: "FUCK Let's explode!!"
  • hank: With an Omega APEX, I feel very good when one-shotting Condors and Rocs with huge amount of bullets.


  • BEMP clears all bullets around you instantly.
  • Shadow Carver’s projectiles automatically home in on invaders, allowing you to focus on dodging all kinds of bullets and lasers.
  • FL is able to take out turrets reliably, reducing threats.
  • Disaris’ defensive options are less effective against lasers and speed lasers. Hence, you should eliminate invaders equipping them first.


  • Under normal circumstances, Disaris is incompetent for speed-running, because its main weapon lacks burst damage.
  • Disaris’ Bullet Detonator Apex boosts its speed tremendously in bullet hell missions, as you can release BEMP to not only clear a massive amount of bullets but also heavily damage invaders.
  • Furthermore, a single BEMP has the potential to vaporize a Roc when bullets (such as those emitted from MIRV Bloomers or Doomsday MIRVs) get extremely dense.
  • In other words, the more bullets the invaders produce, the faster Disaris goes. FL is used for invaders that shoots out less bullets or larger invaders with higher threats. The main weapon is mostly used for clean-ups.


  • In MIRV Spam missions, Disaris with the Bullet Detonator Apex wipes out invaders crazily like it’s in a carnival.
  • Condors and Rocs can be one-shotted by BEMP (with Bullet Detonator Apex) provided that the bullets are dense enough.
  • When facing a sea of Sparrows with Caged MIRVs, a single BEMP (with Bullet Detonator Apex) can sometimes trigger a chain reaction.


  • One round of main and one laser = armored raven.
  • Disaris is one of the only 5+1 ships which are asymmetrical (NC-271, Widget, Icarus, Monsoon, Disaris, and Corsair not noticably asymmetrical).
  • Stinger that lies down because tired from standing.


  • Name: High Voltage
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Interrupts enemy turrets with a short stun.
  • Interpretation: Turrets accurately hit by Focus Lance will be stunned for 0.6s.
  • Form: Sigma
  • Price: 35000
  • Score: 0.91 / 5

The benefit this Apex brings is rarely utilized. Because first, Ult BEMP already stuns enemies for 0.6s, so FL is hardly used to reset enemy turrets. Secondly, FL is able to stun turrets only when it accurately hits them, however, turrets are very likely to be destroyed by FL’s damage in the first place (except on shield invaders). Not only is it hard to use, but it also doesn’t have too much application.


  • Name: Bullet Detonator
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Enemy bullets are detonated dealing Blast damage.
  • Interpretation: Each detonated bullet deals 2 AOE damage.
  • Form: Omega
  • Price: 50000
  • Score: 4.27 / 5

This is truly a groundbreaking Apex, as it infuses BEMP with PD’s Bullet Detonator Apex, making BEMP incredibly entertaining. It allows you to effectively counterattack invaders with a sea of bullets produced by themselves. When used properly, it is able to wipe most of the field clean, and sometimes even one-shot Condors and Rocs. When bullet density causes real trouble for other ships, Disaris with its Bullet Detonator Apex becomes a speed-running ship and is able to claim top spots on the leaderboard.

Video Illustration