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The thick pounding from a heavy truck.

Basic Info

  • No: 24
  • Ship: Juggernaut
  • Affinity: Armor Piercing
  • Type: Offensive
  • Main Weapon: Devastator Cannon
  • Aura: Bullet EMP
  • Zen: Mega Bomb
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: Uninterruptible Burst, 2 closely side-by-side forward firing projectiles that deal blast damage.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • BEMP gives it a lot of survivability in MIRV/Shuriken missions, where bullets get extremely dense.
  • You can launch multiple BEMPs to keep on clearing the field. Particularly, make sure you launch a BEMP just before or when the current wave ends, so that you can reliably set up MB for the next wave.
  • After MB goes off, look for larger invaders to land your main on, as the heavily damaged Ravens from the MB will get destroyed by the blast damage of the main.
  • If there are no large invaders, try to aim slightly offset the mid-line of the field so that the blast damage will eliminate as many Ravens on that side of the field.
  • It's powerful main can wipe out Ravens when both shots land on it, as well as any potentially accompanying sparrows, if they are close enough to the Raven to receive the blast damage of both projectiles' blast damage.
  • A single well landed main shot can destroy a Vulture's turret, meaning both shots hit the turret. This is especially useful to take out MIRV Bloomers.
  • However, if you are faced with a front heavy wave, then you must go upfield and charge MB so that MBc lands on them. Particularly, landing MBc on frontline Eagles is essential otherwise BEMP will not last you long enough to destroy the front Eagles to eliminate their entourage of shurikens. This move of landing MBc is risky but has to be pulled off, otherwise you will not survive.
  • Against MIRV Bloomers, you must be brave and go up close to the frontline of MIRVs and launch BEMP pre-emptively so that you can catch the released pellets before they spread out towards the bottom of the field.
  • BEMP's stun allows you to set up MB if BEMP is huge in other mission types aside from daily missions. Simply use BEMP, swipe to the bottom of the screen and begin charging MB. Beware of boomerangs and darts however, if they are sufficiently well behind it should be quite safe to charge MB. This technique works very well on Eagles and above.
  • In the case of a mis-estimation and the last invader is not yet destroyed, wait for the next burst to be fired and restart the MB charging.
  • BEMP must be used pre-emptively where possible to allow easy re-positioning so that you can aim your main weapon properly.
  • BEMP is your only means to deal against lasers that are headed straight for you. Use BEMP wisely when threatened by lasers.
  • Try not to use BEMP as a last minute resort, but instead as a repositioning tool to allow you to destroy invaders quickly.
  • The 2 points above can be used in conjuction - you can reposition yourself to hit another invader while avoiding tracking lasers.


  • A powerful main coupled with blast damage can wipe sparrows clean, without even explicitly aiming at them. All you need to do is to focus your fire on Ravens and other larger invaders.
  • MBs heavily damage Ravens enough in that you no longer need to aim at them to take them out, the blast damage will wipe them clean. This is very useful in Raven heavy waves where the entire cluster of Ravens can be eliminated just by aiming in the center of the crowd. Of course, it benefits waves with larger invaders around as well, though it can get annoying to get past these fast moving Ravens.
  • It is difficult to utilize its MBc other than during long transitions, however, the blast damage of the main is able to kill off the severely weakened Ravens very well.
  • However, it is a problem when you have a crowd of Ravens in front of bigger invaders behind, as there is no way to get past them without wasting one main shot after using MB to take out most of them to access the back row invaders.


  • Its main is easy to handle due to its quick firing yet bursty nature. However, the impact area is quite small and may be slightly difficult to land a shot.
  • Juggernaut has easily one of the most satisfying mains in this game. The sound of impact is immensely satisfying.
  • MB may not kill the Ravens, but the main then goes to work and takes them out so quickly. Watching them go BOOM from your already immensely satisfying main really just makes your day.
  • Watching sparrows go POOF without you even aiming at them is just icing on the cake.


  • This is EL's favorite ship.


  • Name: Destructive Wave
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: An Enhanced Bullet EMP that also deals damage to Invaders.
  • Interpretation: Bullet EMP deals at most 10 damage to invaders within range.
  • Form: Lambda
  • Price: 30000
  • Score: 4.64 / 5

This thing decimates Armor Ravens immediately. An MB combined with Destructive BEMP immediately takes them out. The even better combination is, when you can land one of Juggernaut's devastator cannon shots on one Raven and the other shot on another Raven, and then use BEMP to decimate them both. Simply put, this apex is a devastator of Armor Ravens. It saves you from needing to use one or two more bursts of the main to clear out the heavily damage Ravens sitting in front of you to reach upfield larger invaders. Sparrows also become irrelevant for this apex since destructive BEMP wipes them clean.


  • Name: Fast Charge
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: High efficiency charge algorithms charge Mega Bomb more quickly.
  • Interpretation: The charging time decreases from 2s to 1.75s, the charging time recovery decreases from 4.5s to 3.5s.
  • Form: Delta
  • Price: 20000
  • Score: 3.80 / 5

The very fast firing nature of MIRV Launchers in MIRV/Shuriken missions means it is traditionally more difficult to charge MB slightly further upfield. However, this apex allows you to charge further upfield with a reduced charge time, or simply makes it easier for you to pull off MBs before the MIRVs explode. It also makes it easier to land MBc on frontline Eagles which can be extremely difficult given the tight timing. You can also chain MBs together without too much hassle in the early acts.

Video Illustration