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Pinky, white stockings, hehehe...

Basic Info

  • No: 18
  • Ship: Cinnri
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Lightfury
  • Main Weapon: Neutron Launcher
  • Aura: Stun EMP
  • Zen: Mega Laser
  • Rarity: Super Rare
  • Price: 3000
  • Main Description: 3 successive sets of 2 homing projectiles from each side that shoot out in a forward arc.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • The main of Cinnri is pretty annoying. It does not have perfect homing, so there is quite a noticeable chance that shots will actually miss.
  • This means that you should try to stay at the bottom of the field, below the middle line, otherwise shots might miss.
  • Cinnri mainly relies on its ML to deal damage. You should always attempt to charge it at the start of every wave.
  • Since Cinnri's main takes time to travel, you need to be very anticipative on how many more projectiles are needed to kill the remaining invaders on field, as that will mean all the difference in being to pull off an ML in the next wave or not. The bursty nature of its main helps out in that aspect.
  • Cinnri needs to ride up the ML. Because of the imperfect main homing, this means you only ride up to the center field before you stop and launch an SEMP, before heading back down or getting near to invaders.
  • Cinnri relies a lot on stun locking. This means continuously blasting SEMP into the invaders' face after killing a few small invaders, ensuring they do not have the chance to fire anything.
  • You should then go up to these smaller invaders' face to blast them away quickly to refill your SEMP for a 2nd round.
  • Unfortunately, it's lackluster main DPS means you may not have enough stun time when faced with larger invaders such as Eagles.


  • The lack of need to aim means a lackluster DPS.
  • In heavier and/or dense waves, you will definitely need a second ML. Start charging the 2nd ML after you launch a 2nd SEMP (the 1st SEMP being when you fire the 1st ML).
  • Because of the ability to constantly spam ML, Cinnri makes up for its lackluster DPS.
  • In many cases, because of how fast darts travel, Cinnri requires you to be very brave. Particularly, always remember that T2 dart tracking turrets are seldom threatening. You can continue to sit still and do not need to be afraid when they come your way, as they will directly pass through your core. However, you must try to be at a reasonable distance away from these T2 dart turrets, otherwise they might turn such that the misalignment from 2 dart pairs will cause you to die. This means that you should try to be on the opposite side of T2 dart turrets when they are on Ravens. Otherwise, hope for the best.
  • Many T1 dart tracking turrets in daily missions are also not threatening so long you don't stand right under them when the wave arrives since many only fire a single bullet per burst.


  • Stun locking with Cinnri is extremely fun. You can fly around the invaders and just laugh at them.
  • The momentum of Cinnri is very fun, riding up ML and then throwing an SEMP in.


  • Cinnri was considered one of the real horsemen in the pre-v3.5 update due to the ridiculously long SEMP stun time (5s) and the ridiculously fast ML recovery time (very fast).


  • Name: Armor Piercing
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: A specialized laser that pierces armor.
  • Interpretation: The laser ignore 30% damage reduction of armors.
  • Form: Lambda
  • Price: 30000
  • Score: 3.18 / 5

The AP ML makes Cinnri easier to play on Armored missions, especially when its ship class requires it to abuse ML as much as possible, increasing the damage output by a fair margin on armored invaders.


  • Name: High Damage
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Increased distortion of the Stun EMP causes even more damage to Invaders.
  • Interpretation: The max damage increases from 10 to 15.
  • Form: Tau
  • Price: 40000
  • Score: 4.64 / 5

Because of the need for Cinnri to constantly blast SEMP to deal damage due to its lackluster main DPS, the significant increase in SEMP damage turns Cinnri into an insane AoE damage dealer. When faced with crowds of invaders, this apex simply decimates them all so quickly, making this apex so satisfying. Simply pull off the ML to kill some of the Ravens to gain enough Aura for full SEMP, then blast it away and in no time, you'll be blasting more of them until before you know it, the whole wave is gone. The only problem with this apex is because it kills so fast, ML might struggle to keep up from insufficient cooldown time given to it.

Video Illustration