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I would have forgotten that there is such a ship without reminding.

Zephyrus, the god of the West wind in Greek mythology, gentle and favorable.

Basic Info

  • No: 42
  • Ship: Zephyr
  • Affinity: Armor Piercing
  • Type: Defensive
  • Main Weapon: Photon Rails
  • Aura: Point Defense
  • Zen: Kappa Drive
  • Rarity: Common
  • Price: 500
  • Main Description: 2 inner forward firing side-by-side projectiles, quickly followed by 2 more outer forward firing side-by-side projectiles.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Synergy between PD and Kappa allows you to spam PD infinitely.
  • PD allows you to quickly eliminate the first wave of MIRVs that come your way.
  • Unfortunately, after that, the shurikens start flooding in which becomes too much for PD to eliminate.
  • Always stay on one side of the field in daily missions. Try not to move too much. Only start move when the shuriken cloud has passed you. T4 patterned shuriken launchers that lock onto you will have their shurikens go right pass you through the middle due to the clear lanes defined by the pattern. Moving a bit will cause you to come in contact with the pattern by the T4 shuriken launchers which will burn a lot more PD.
  • Use PD to eliminate the rest of the shurikens and pellets (from launchers and from MIRVs that explode) that come into the lane towards you. Only use PD when these shurikens are at point blank range, otherwise you will waste unnecessary Aura.
  • When in the shuriken cloud made by T4 shuriken launchers, don't bother to burn PD to eliminate MIRVs before they explode. Let them explode. Only use PD to eliminate MIRVs after the shuriken cloud has almost completely dispersed from the field.
  • Prioritize the elimination of MIRV Bloomers if they exist, otherwise, kill the other Ravens with rapid firing MIRV launchers.
  • Once one side is cleared, you can start to slowly shift laterally to another side to destroy the rest of the invaders. This process is usually extremely painful. I would suggest you only do this after the shuriken cloud has mostly dispersed so that you can use PD to eliminate MIRVs without the obstruction of shurikens. In the meantime, while trapped in the shuriken cloud, you can spam Kappa to generate enough Aura so that you can eliminate MIRVs without them popping later.
  • If there is not enough Aura to eliminate MIRVs even after the shuriken cloud has dispersed, don't be afraid to simply stay on the emptier side and simply let Kappa run to generate Aura for you. It is faster than diving right in and exploding MIRVs since you don't need to dodge the pellets released.
  • Against General/Boomerang missions, use Kappa to carefully graze dart streams, as well as dodge boomerangs and between pellets released by MIRVs.


  • No offensive Aura or Zen.
  • The each burst nature of Zephyr's main is very short and thus, firing rate is slow since you are forever spamming Kappa. The straight firing nature of Zephyr means it is difficult to switch targets quickly. The width of the main, however, is a slight saving grace since there's a better catch rate of the main towards Ravens and Sparrows.


  • It is quite a rhythm to release touch, and then use one contact to fire (and sometimes inch a bit to either side), and then after the first contact is established, use a second touch to fire PD.
  • However, gameplays are very long due to the fact you need to spam Kappa like crazy.


  • Have nothing to say because of its low sense of existence.


  • Name: Antigrav
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Ignore energy particle weight and increase passive attraction power.
  • Interpretation: All the particles will be attracted on the same speed and you can absorb energy more easily.
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 0.55 / 5

This apex makes Zephyr slightly less of a pain to play as you can burst fire PD for a brief moment whenever you kill an invader to aid your sideway movements to another invader.


  • Name: Bullet Detonator
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Enemy bullets are detonated dealing Blast damage.
  • Interpretation: Each detonated bullet deals 2 AOE damage.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 4.18 / 5

The slightly less density of bullets in Armor General/Boomerang missions compared to MIRV/Shuriken missions allow PD to eliminate bullets quick enough such that the PD lasers start clearing out the bullets further upfield, quickly damaging invaders and dealing pretty massive damage. A properly regulated Kappa refills PD enough for it to plow through darts and reach even MIRVs to be eliminated in one laser rather than allowing it to detonate which will waste PD due to significantly more bullets on field.

Video Illustration