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Brief intro

Basic Info

  • No: 73
  • Ship: Polaris
  • Affinity: Shield Breaking
  • Type: Balanced
  • Main Weapon: Gamma Blasters
  • Aura: Ion Cannon
  • Zen: Kappa Drive
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 2 streams of projectiles whose guns track on to one target.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Horrible main and Zen synergy. Because the main weapon is a continuous stream, it becomes impossible to abuse Kappa when the bulk of invaders are still on field, otherwise you lose significant DPS.
  • However, if you need to abuse Kappa to Kappa dodge, you'll have to sacrifice your DPS to ensure your survival.
  • Even though the main is advertised as fast tracking, in reality, it takes quite some time for the main to change targets, leading to leaked DPS. Thankfully the main is 31.25 DPS which is quite good considering 31.25 DPS is usually for straight firing weapons. Unfortunately, the effective DPS is probably closer to slightly above 25 due to the leaked DPS form switching targets.
  • Because of the rather slow target switching, stay at the bottom of the field as much as possible so that target switching can happen a little faster.
  • You'll have to resort to using Kappa between waves (as the last invader is defeated and the next wave is coming in) so as to minimize DPS loss.
  • Because of the constant IC supply, particularly refilling rather fast between waves from using Kappa between waves, you should spam IC to mass stun the front row of invaders immediately when the wave arrives. Keep them stunned as much as possible, and try your best to go around them to stun larger invaders behind. It's easier to go behind if the larger invaders are in front. This is to only time you should go in front, otherwise stay at the bottom of the field.
  • The above is particularly difficult in daily missions, and going around them is near impossible. You will spam ICs in hopes that you can punch a hole in invader formation, and then get back enough particles to keep spamming ICs. Particularly, dense waves are a huge problem.
  • However, even heavy waves in daily missions are sufficiently dense in that it becomes difficult to go above the front row of stunned invaders since there will still be invaders above firing at you.


  • IC doesn't do much damage. It can help with clearing Sparrows out faster though since you can clear out 2 or more Sparrows with one IC.
  • Also the leaky DPS means Polaris is slower than you think it is.
  • Because of the rather slow target switching, optimizing the main requires you to move yourself in front of the next target, since generally you won't be very far in front and the angle offset of the shots from vertical is quite small.


  • The horrible main and Kappa synergy means you can't use Kappa often.
  • When you really need to use Kappa, it becomes a tiring, slowed dodging session. Or simply just having to wait so long between wave and act transitions.


  • Polaris was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v3.4.


  • Name: Blast Amplifier
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Blast radius and damage of the Ion Cannon projectiles are increased.
  • Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 100, the damage increases from 10 to 13.
  • Form: Gamma
  • Price: 15000
  • Score: 3.27 / 5

The main bonus of this APEX is to increase the damage output. Other than that, it has no obvious features. The reason is that the Ion Cannon itself in the current version is no longer popular, and its two APEX improvements are only the icing on the cake.


  • Name: Overcharge
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Overcharged Ion Cannon stuns targets in a larger area.
  • Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 115.
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 1.82 / 5

As a survivability-increasing APEX, this APEX stuns turrets in a larger area. If this APEX isn't enough to keep you alive, consider releasing the Ion Cannon early to stun the back row and take full advantage of Zen's slowing effect. If you still can't clear missions safely, it is recommended to change your ship directly.

Video Illustration