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Yes, I'm that gap between NC

Basic Info

  • No: 69
  • Ship: NC-271
  • Affinity: Shield Breaking
  • Type: Balanced
  • Main Weapon: Plasma Cluster
  • Aura: Ion Cannon
  • Zen: Personal Shield
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 21 projectiles fired in a general forward direction with a slight spread.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Its main can be considered somewhat piercing since its burst contains so many little projectiles that it continues to punch through the smaller invaders like Sparrows and Ravens even after they are killed. Use this to your advantage to line up shots with multiple Ravens and Sparrows.
  • One burst of the main, when ult, kills a Shield Heron just nice if all its projectiles land. 4 shots of the main burst kills a Vulture.
  • Because of its semi capability to deal with Raven and Sparrow crowds, IC becomes a supplement since the burst only happens once every approximately 2s. This actually covers up a weakness of IC to be unable to deal with crowds. However, the density of dense waves in daily mission is just way too much for NC-271 to handle most of the time.
  • In community and specialist missions, because of its semi capability to deal with crowds, it is not always a good idea to spam IC when a wave arrives. You might wish to evaluate a wave if it is necessary to stun the front row of invaders as doing a sweep across the field may make your main fire at the wrong spot and make you unable to reach the backline larger invaders.
  • In daily missions, you should spam all your ICs on one side in a dense wave. This allows you to have space on that side to avoid bullets. Push upwards on that side to get particles for more ICs and you can slowly sweep to the middle, and then the other side.
  • Because of its slight spread, there is some difficulty in turret popping. This is not to say that it is not possible as you can stun the large invaders like Vultures and go right up to them to pop off their turrets. In fact, due to the highly damaging main, 1 IC may be even enough to take out the Vulture quick enough.
  • However, getting to the large invaders may be a bit of a problem when it is all the way at the back, and there are so many Ravens and Sparrows in front. Concentrate your fire on one side of the field to reach the Vulture behind as quick as possible.
  • If there are Eagles in front, you can simply stun the Eagle on one side, slide over the stunned Eagle and stun the Vulture behind. If the situation is urgent enough (such as MIRV Bloomers on a Vulture behind), you can stun Herons and quickly head over them to stun the Vulture.
  • Obviously, NC-271 is best at boss invaders which are Condors and Rocs, since IC keeps them stunned and the high DPS destroys them quickly before even exhausting half of your IC supply.
  • PS is used generally for laser infested waves, but bear in mind they can be used as a last minute defence when there are no lasers around. Otherwise PS is really just used as normal here.


  • It's highly damaging main clears out large invaders really fast. Unfortunately, with smaller invaders such as Ravens or Sparrows, it can get quite frustrating with their random movement. Fortunately, the projectiles of its main continue to move forward and there is nearly no overkill from its main.
  • IC can be used inbetween main bursts to clean out some clumped up Sparrows that come together. This works very well in early waves.
  • In the missions it is designed for, PS is an effective offensive and defensive tool which deals a good amount of damage.


  • The main is pretty fun to use. It's somewhat piercing ability just obliterates Ravens and Sparrows alike, especially in early waves.


  • NC-271 was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v3.2.
  • NC-271 is one of the only 5+1 ships which are asymmetrical (NC-271, Widget, Icarus, Monsoon, Disaris, and Corsair not noticably asymmetrical).
  • It was the only SB ship with 37.5 DPS before the v5.0 update. In fact, it was only in v3.5 that it's main weapon damage was buffed to 37.5 DPS. It also used to have a slightly tighter weapon spread before v3.5.
  • Visually, there can be anywhere from 271 particles or above in a single burst, and this is random, according to the dev EL. Perhaps that's how this ship got its name?
  • The Delta APEX of this ship is no longer NC-271, but FG-104.


  • Name: Supersize
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Aegis amplifiers create an extra large Personal Shield.
  • Interpretation: The size of the Personal Shield is increased by 50%.
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 2.00 / 5

A reasonable buff in survivability, as well as giving NC-271 better navigability, which is necessary for NC-271 to line up its powerful Plasma Cluster. It also catches a bit more lasers when faced with waves with spread lasers.


  • Name: Blast Amplifier
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Blast radius and damage of the Ion Cannon projectiles are increased.
  • Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 100, the damage increases from 10 to 13.
  • Form: Delta
  • Price: 20000
  • Score: 3.27 / 5

An extremely powerful apex. Most IC ships are weak to crowds, and this apex fixes that. IC becomes an extremely viable AoE weapon against Raven crowds, you can simply spam ICs to plow a hole in them and reach upfield larger and more deadly invaders to stun so that you can have an easier time to survive. You will regain those spammed ICs quickly due to the amount of particles these Ravens provide so it is of no issue at all. PS also allows you to quickly switch to the other side once you are done stunning the upfield invaders through one side to get rid of the rest of the threat.

Video Illustration