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White and fat (louse), but very flexible.

Basic Info

  • No: 41
  • Ship: Vani-Vith
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Offensive
  • Main Weapon: Spark Fusor
  • Aura: Vorpal Lance
  • Zen: Teleport
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 3 forward firing slow moving projectiles with the middle projectile being slightly more forward than the ones to its left and right.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Its main is somewhat piercing as each burst consists of 3 projectiles when maxed. It can usually hit 2 Sparrows in a column (maximum 3, but it's quite rare). However, it is not a very reliable piercing weapon per say and there are times that one Sparrow can absorb all 3 projectiles at once.
  • Vani-Vith's playstyle is that of moving around constantly to deal its consistent main bursts to invaders. TP helps a lot in this aspect.
  • But mainly, the VL + TP is one of the best Aura Zen combinations. Wait for the invaders to line up, then quickly TP there to use VL immediately and make optimal use of VL's piercing capabilities. You can pre-charge TP in anticipation for this. Bear in mind you will lose some DPS if you hold on to TP for too long.
  • In daily missions, TP is mainly used as an escape tool. It is no longer really necessary to use TP as a positional tool since you can simply sweep the field and throw VL at roughly consistent intervals such that they are roughly horizontally spaced apart.
  • Obviously, TP is also a great escape tool, particularly from tracking lasers and boomerangs. This is what makes Vani-Vith such an all rounded ship, being able to use TP both offensively and defensively.
  • VL's Vorpal Wake to clear bullets is generally not used much, since TP covers the the escape function that Vorpal Wake also does.
  • Vani-Vith also moves around the field a lot from side to side to aim its main and VL, which means Vorpal Wake isn't terribly useful since there isn't a lot of up and down movement.
  • TP can be used to quickly eliminate laser MIRVs that JUST came out from an MIRV Launcher.
  • Unfortunately, while Vani-Vith's very Aura Zen combination makes it one of the best combinations out there, it does not get much attention. While Vani-Vith is good, it is not spectacular, and simply does its job rather well. It is overshadowed by its bigger brother with the same Aura Zen combination, Icarus.


  • The slow moving nature of its Spark Fusor means that in order to optimise it, Vani-Vith has to go right in front of invaders to take them out quickly in early Acts.
  • In later Acts, VL now takes over the job and it’s Spark Fusor becomes simply a support tool to deal damage to larger invaders. However, in the end wave where there are very few small invaders left on field, you need to go close up to these invaders again to take them out.
  • Unfortunately, because the main is slow and can be difficult to hit invaders, as well as VL depending on RNG, speedrunning with Vani-Vith can get annoying as times will fluctuate a lot.
  • The "Tele-frag" kit is a major plus to its speedrunning ability, being able to consistently pull off many optimal VL shots.


  • The "Tele-frag" kit (VL + TP) is definitely one of the most satisfying to pull off, as you can get maximum satisfaction from a real "peek-a-boo" surprise and the satisfying sounds of a VL.
  • Vani-Vith's main is pretty mundane, as it travels slowly and the impact sounds are also quite dull.


  • Vani-Vith was only introduced into Phoenix 2 in v2.0.
  • A 3D perspective of Vani-Vith is featured in the cover banner of the old web version of the Phoenix 2 Reddit. It was a fan-made art.


  • Name: Twin Lance
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Split Vorpal Lance into two projectiles for a larger surface area.
  • Interpretation: The surface area is doubled.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 4.18 / 5

A very enjoyable apex for Vani-Vith, this apex makes chasing down Sparrows and Ravens significantly less frustrating, due to how slowly the Spark Fusor moves which allow Ravens and Sparrows to dodge it. The doubling of VL width also increases the bullet clearance range, in which Vani-Vith may require at times due to how slow its Spark Fusor moves (which makes it unable to kill an invader before a bullet hits you).


  • Name: Extended Clearance
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Energy from the Teleport is released on arrival to extended the range of the Arrival EMP.
  • Interpretation: The clearing space increases from 50 to 80.
  • Form: Sigma
  • Price: 35000
  • Score: 1.55 / 5

This apex opens up viability for Vani-Vith to be used in MIRV/Shuriken missions, as the increased clearance range can mean a lot when eliminating the dozens of MIRVs on screen. It’s definitely still not easy by any means since you will often still need to abuse TP a lot leading to some pretty long charge times.

Video Illustration