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Good-looking is the last word.

Basic Info

  • No: 82
  • Ship: Luna
  • Affinity: Shield Breaking
  • Type: Close Combat
  • Main Weapon: Ataras Laser
  • Aura: Point Defense
  • Zen: Teleport
  • Rarity: Super Rare
  • Price: 3000
  • Main Description: 14 converging laser beams that get cut off at certain distances away from the ship.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Despite the close combat nature of the ship, where going up close to invaders is required for Luna to deal full damage, it boots double defences to keep it up.
  • To keep up with survival, in the later waves, or heavy waves, not dealing full damage from all 14 lasers is still acceptable. You can aim to keep within the range of 10-12 Ataras lasers (refer to the diagram above) and the damage output is still very high and matches ships of a 34.375 DPS main.
  • PD and TP can be used whenever necessary. PD when the situation gets too hairy too quickly without enough time to respond
  • It can be pretty surprising how long this double defence can last.
  • Being highly damaging, as well as being very forward directed, Luna is extremely good at turret popping. Going up close to a larger invader such as an Eagle or Vulture can quickly pop off a turret or 2 within one burst (after the shield is stripped, of course).
  • One burst of the main strips a Vulture's shield at a close enough distance (within approximately 10-14 lasers), which is very respectable.
  • Luna is particularly weak against lasers. Dense Raven crowds that carry many laser turrets, coupled with only a few dart spread turrets will spell doom since Luna cannot deal damage fast enough to them and must hide upfield at a corner, which could bring it in point blank range to dart spread turrets.


  • The high DPS of its main allow it to deal some respectable form of damage, but it's double defence abilities mean maximizing the main is the only way to go faster.
  • PD should be used to get up close and personal with the invaders.
  • With reference to the diagram above, it is usually a mistake for players who are playing Luna to believe that they must be point blank with the invaders in order to deal maximum damage. There is some leeway distance between you and the invaders where you still can deal the full 37.5 DPS. In other words, you don't always have to put yourself in unnecessary danger by being that close.
  • Be very careful with T3 / T4 dart spreads and shuriken launchers as these at point blank are dangerous. As the maximum damage does not require you to be that close, stand back a bit such that PD is still able to eliminate these darts before they reach you. If you run out of PD, don't be afraid to push back a bit more since the damage reduction is not heavy even within the 10-12 Ataras laser range.
  • With other spread turrets such as pellet spreads or T4 patterned shuriken launchers, it is still possible to get up close and personal with them to quickly pop them off.
  • TP is a tool which can be used to pace the main. After the last invader of a wave dies and the burst ends, you can charge up TP so that the main does not fire when the next wave of invaders have not fully arrived. Bear in mind some waves have longer transitions (such as waves with a Vulture/Condor in front of everything else) so only charge TP (原文这里好像少了一些什么)
  • When stuck at one corner after destroying all the invaders at one side of the field, TP can be used to quickly get over to the other side to finish off the job.


  • Very easy to handle main, with a very comfortable rhythm to it. The timing of its Ataras Lasers is very easy to grasp. In no time you will be able to pace it well so that it doesn't miss unnecessarily.
  • It is also very easy to pace Luna's main with TP.
  • The main sounds pretty soothing per say, sounding like a kick drum without the very low sub-bass frequencies.


  • Luna was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v5.0.
  • Luna's Omega Apex is the only Omega Apex so far that does not have a unique trait.
  • Luna's main is the only weapon where it abruptly stops halfway even when allowed to continue traveling without hitting any invader, since the Ataras lasers disappear after 2 of them meet each other at the center.


  • Name: Bullet Detonator
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Enemy bullets are detonated dealing Blast damage.
  • Interpretation: Each detonated bullet deals 2 AOE damage.
  • Form: Tau
  • Price: 40000
  • Score: 4.18 / 5

A very powerful apex which strongly synergizes with the playstyle of Luna due to the need to get up close to invaders. With this apex, in fact, you want to get up even closer, point blank with the invaders such that any bullets emitted from these invaders immediately get eliminated and deals Bullet Detonator damage to them. Spamming PD together with getting maximum main damage will vaporize invaders extremely quickly, especially against spinners. Just be careful against T3 / T4 dart spreads and shuriken launchers since it is impossible for PD to eliminate them fast enough before these bullets hit you. Against these turrets, just stand back a bit more, but the supply of Aura for PD should be enough to stay within 12-14 Ataras lasers, even while eliminating darts and shurikens alike.


  • Name: Explosive Arrival
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Arrival EMP has been modulated to also deal damage to Invaders in its range.
  • Interpretation: Deals 30 damage to Invaders within a range of 50 from the arrival point.
  • Form: Omega
  • Price: 50000
  • Score: 4.27 / 5

Synergizing well with its playstyle, this allows you to TP on the front of invaders to deal damage, also maximizing the main's damage as well. However, the TP damage is insufficient to kill a Shielded Raven, which can be a huge issue, particularly collision with a turret can become an issue. Because it's not frequent to use TP for Luna, this apex allows TP for more chances to be used in a more useful way, dealing damage. Needing to dive right onto the front of invaders also make it very risky to utilize this apex ability to its max, especially as the wave drags on since bullets will start to flood the field and make it difficult to jump right onto invaders.

Video Illustration