Let new players realize the danger of circling missiles as soon as they enter the game.
A city in the West Bank, Palestine
Basic Info
No: 6
Ship: Jericho
Affinity: Armor Piercing
Type: Defensive
Main Weapon: Inferno Seekers
Aura: Bullet EMP
Zen: Personal Shield
Rarity: Common
Price: 500
Main Description: Homing barrage missiles that move in sine waves fired in a general forward direction.
Upgrade Info:
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Ult DPS 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00
Main Aura Zen Survival Survival Tier Speedrun Speedrun Tier Fun Fun Tier 61.36 100.36 70.91 38.73 A- 15.82 C- 19.09 C-
APEX1 APEX2 Base Score Base Rank Low Score Hi Score Apex Rank Final Score FinalRank 33.45 36.36 232.64 67 266.09 269.00 80 342.64 81
Main Weapon Illustration:
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Jericho is one of the 3 starter ships you can get.
KING of leaking urine.
Name: Radar Upgrade
Type: Main Weapon
Description: Inferno Seekers now home in on enemy turrets.
Interpretation: Makes the Inferno Seekers lock onto active turrets instead of any target points on invaders, making it a much more effective turret popper.
Form: Alpha
Price: 5000
Score: 2.09 / 5
Main Weapon Illustration:
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Name: Focus
Type: Zen
Description: Focused interconnects charge Personal Shield faster and recover it more quickly.
Interpretation: The charge time decreases from 0.4s to 0.3s, the recovery time decreases from 6.5s to 4.5s.
Form: Gamma
Price: 15000
Score: 2.27 / 5
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Video Illustration