You can call it a rice dumpling, or a mung bean fly.
Basic Info
No: 63
Ship: UHB
Affinity: High Impact
Type: Psuedo-FO
Main Weapon: Blast Laser
Aura: Missile Swarm
Zen: Reflex EMP
Rarity: Rare
Price: 1500
Main Description: 3 independent instant tracking lasers that can only track up targets up to a maximum angle of approximately 40° from the vertical straight line with respect to the ship, but will always fire anyway even if it is out of tracking range.
Upgrade Info:
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Ult DPS 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00 24.00 25.00
Main Aura Zen Survival Survival Tier Speedrun Speedrun Tier Fun Fun Tier 73.64 109.09 109.09 31.64 B- 39.82 A 37.64 A-
APEX1 APEX2 Base Score Base Rank Low Score Hi Score Apex Rank Final Score FinalRank 34.91 48.00 291.82 20 326.73 339.82 30 448.91 30
Main Weapon Illustration:
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Name: High Explosive
Type: Aura
Description: Missiles equipped with advanced warheads deal blast damage on impact.
Interpretation: Missiles deal 1 AOE damage within 50 range.
Form: Delta
Price: 20000
Score: 2.18 / 5
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Name: Extended Range
Type: Zen
Description: Improved amplifiers increase the EMP range.
Interpretation: The max range increases from 225 to 280.
Form: Epsilon
Price: 25000
Score: 3.00 / 5
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Video Illustration