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A firearms company in the United States that is more famous for its sniper rifle.

Basic Info

  • No: 50
  • Ship: Barret
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Close Combat
  • Main Weapon: Boson Cannon
  • Aura: Ion Cannon
  • Zen: Teleport
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: Alternating left-right forward firing projectiles.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Barret has a very technical and topsy-turvy gameplay that involves a lot of hit and run. By topsy-turvy, Barret has to TP upfield to stun priority targets.
  • Invaders with spinners are the first priority, followed by those with tracking lasers.
  • Barret requires very quick thinking and reflexes. It may not be for everyone.
  • The idea is to TP behind smaller invaders that may be in front and stun the large invader behind, and then move back in front to deal with the rest of the invaders. The inverse can be done if the Vulture is in front, stun the Vulture immediately, then go behind to take out the smaller invaders (only do this if they are not Eagles though!).
  • Alternatively, you have stockpiled a lot of ICs, spam ICs on one side to get rid of all the smaller invaders on one side so that you can plow through them and reach the larger invaders behind. This is generally a better idea since it's dangerous to TP around when the invaders in front can turn their turrets behind to shoot you at point blank range. This is also commonly used in daily missions due to the abundance of particles which will give you many many charges of IC.
  • TP is used to escape tracking lasers. While it is possible to escape misaligned darts your way, due to their speed, it is generally difficult and requires a lot of anticipation. This is where Barret falls short because even though there are so many charges of IC, it may not always be possible to escape potentially fast tracking lasers from Ravens or Herons. This will quickly put a strain on TP.
  • IC should be used to stun Vultures or above, as well as Eagles that harbor dangerous turrets such as spinners or fast tracking lasers. If no Eagles are around, you may then stun Herons. However, in daily missions, stun the Eagles. Stunning Herons will usually be hard because there will usually be quite a lot of them. It is usually sufficient to stun only one side of Herons and then proceed to normally eliminate these stunned Herons with your main (any more IC usage will make you run out, and have not enough to stun these Herons again, since it is impossible to destroy all the Herons on one side before the stun expires).
  • If there are only lots of Ravens, stun the Vulture if any, otherwise just mass spam IC to stun the entire first row of Ravens.
  • Barret's main is pretty good at popping turrets, but the the need to run around and kill smaller invaders or stunning larger invaders makes this quite difficult at times. Turret popping should not be your priority until the bullet mess clears up.
  • As with most IC ships, Barret suffers against crowds but excels in boss invader battles (Condors and Rocs). However, in daily missions, Condors can be a huge problem since they can come with many other invaders as well. Stun the Condor first, then try to stun the Eagles. Sadly, Eagles that are upfield are very difficult to stun because you might instead hit the Condor again.


  • There's not much way to optimize other than to TP or move around to ensure almost every shot of the main lands on a target.
  • A single IC can clear out 2 or 3 sparrows clustered tightly together, but it's generally quite rare for you to pull off such a shot due to their rapid random movement.


  • Barret is one of the most unique ships to play with, as its gameplay is extremely tactical. You have to TP here and TP there to carry out precision strikes of IC.
  • Unfortunately, Barret becomes annoying to pilot due to this reason, especially when you have lots of Ravens and Sparrows, because gameplay can get quite slow from the abuse of TP.
  • Despite it's left right alternating main, the hit circle of each shot is quite large which reduces the chances of missing. You just have to aim based on what's in front and don't care too much of its alternating main.


  • One of the two ships that have Bosons weapons.


  • Name: Explosive Arrival
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Arrival EMP has been modulated to also deal damage to Invaders in its range.
  • Interpretation: Deals 30 damage to Invaders within a range of 50 from the arrival point.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 4.27 / 5

A very powerful crowd clearer, particularly when Barret in base form struggles against crowds due to IC not being capable against crowds. Explosive TP and IC divide and conquers, with IC stunning the front row of invaders and Explosive TP generally taking the back row of invaders. In the event of bulky invaders behind however, both Explosive TP and IC work together to quickly clear out the massive amount of front invaders. Very heavy and sufficiently dense waves are generally still a problem, as IC cannot cover enough ground and Explosive TP does not deal enough damage to take them out fast enough. Be careful of your TP because cooldown will become a huge issue if not regulated carefully. Remember to allow TP to cool down in light waves.


  • Name: Blast Amplifier
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Blast radius and damage of the Ion Cannon projectiles are increased.
  • Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 100, the damage increases from 10 to 13.
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 3.27 / 5

As mentioned, Barret suffers from crowds of invaders due to the difficulty of IC to clear out small invaders quickly, as the blast radius of IC isn’t very huge. TP allows Barret extreme mobility to be able to TP behind and spam 2 or 3 ICs to clear out Ravens, catching the Sparrows in between. This makes this apex very viable, and turns IC into a heavily offensive tool, in fact, a pseudo VL (since you can go anywhere to spam IC), other than the fact it clears in clusters rather than columns. While it does take at least 2 ICs to clear out Ravens behind quickly compared to 1 VL, VL is generally unable to efficiently deal with Sparrows, which this enhanced IC can. Just be careful because due to the heavily offensive nature of IC in this apex, it is easy to run out of ICs when you go around happily spamming them. This means you can die by exhausting all of the ICs and getting trapped. A very fun and viable apex. The significantly buff to IC allows Barret to punch through small invaders quickly, but still be able to deal against larger invaders with deadly weapons such as boomerangs and spinners.

Video Illustration