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Egg? Bacteria? Virus? Whatever you think.

Basic Info

  • No: 10
  • Ship: Yoth-Hola
  • Affinity: Shield Breaking
  • Type: Defensive
  • Main Weapon: Vortex Howler
  • Aura: Point Defense
  • Zen: Personal Shield
  • Rarity: Super Rare
  • Price: 3000
  • Main Description: Homing projectiles that fire in succession from clockwise, then anti-clockwise, in a 270° arc around the ship.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Having 2 forms of defensive abilities, Yoth Hola is able to keep up for quite some time. However, PD will not last long and PS has very limited bullet clearing capabilities.
  • It is thus essential to try your best to graze off darts to rebuild your PD. Since Yoth Hola aims on its own, you don't need to move much, so just move slowly to graze. Conserve PD since it doesn't last long.
  • PS to deal against lasers.
  • Yoth Hola is powerful against Shielded days where there are less slow moving bullets but more fast moving bullets like darts and boomerangs. Both PD and PS are able to effectively deal against boomerangs in particular.
  • PS is able to deal with shuriken clouds to some extent since the PS Phase Out can eliminate a small cluster of them to escape. Choose very carefully when you exit PS such that you can Phase Out through the shuriken cloud. The same also goes for boomerangs.
  • Yoth Hola struggles against pellet spinners since these pellets are spread out, move slowly and can quickly flood the screen.
  • PD is able to give you nearly absolute freedom in moving around in laser missions, since MIRV Defence of PD allows you to only worry about spread and tracking lasers. Beware of pellet spreads, however, as those will drain your PD fast. Use sparingly to get past pellet walls.


  • PD and PS just doesn't give Yoth-Hola any speed at all. In laser missions, PS means that massive amounts of lasers can give it a boost though.


  • There's really nothing else to do with this ship other than to dodge bullets and use your Aura and Zen when threatened.


  • Yoth-Hola is one of the 7 ships in Phoenix 2 that doesn’t use thrusters to fly. In fact, it just floats around by alien magic or something.


  • Name: Laser Expansion
  • Type: Main Weapon
  • Description: Auto firing lasers are fitted around the ship.
  • Interpretation: nan
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 2.36 / 5
  • Main Weapon Illustration:

This apex equips 6 lasers around Yoth Hola, which only fire if they are in range of an invader. These 6 lasers work as Cone Triggered Independent.

The boost in speed that this apex gives is pretty miniscule as each individual laser is so weak, they can't even kill a Sparrow. Furthermore, to take at least good advantage of this apex, you need to utilize most of its 6 lasers, requiring you to move around a lot, something that is only possible in Shielded Laser/Pellet missions. Given how much damage these lasers do, there is little reward in actually using these lasers, and is more of a "I have nothing to do, so why not just exercise a bit" kind of thing.


  • Name: Sentinel
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Point Defense has a passive laser that is always active and does not use energy.
  • Interpretation: The nearest bullet within range will be cleared every 0.5s.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 1.00 / 5

This apex is only useful when exiting PS when surrounded by laser MIRVs. It also slightly helps in eliminating stray bullets emitted by invaders in very heavy and/or dense waves, but you could honestly just spare that little bit of Aura energy to use PD. Otherwise, a useless apex.

Video Illustration