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It doesn't look like a dragonfly, but it's Dragonfly.

Basic Info

  • No: 45
  • Ship: Dragonfly
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Offensive
  • Main Weapon: Twin Miniguns
  • Aura: Ion Cannon
  • Zen: Mega Bomb
  • Rarity: Common
  • Price: 500
  • Main Description: Spray of bullets in a general forward direction with some randomness in spread.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Dragonfly relies a lot on being able to pull off MB when the wave arrives. Failure to pull off MB will likely result in certain death.
  • You should charge MB as much as you possibly can at the start of each wave. Try to find a suitable spot to hide at. If you meet a wave with no tracking dart turrets at the back and has plenty of Ravens, the best place to hide is usually at the top corner of the field so that the darts cannot catch you fast enough. This gets rid of Ravens very quickly and allow more freedom to move around. Just remember to carefully make your way down as the darts can be difficult to dodge while upfield. However, if there are tracking dart turrets at the back, you can only hope to charge MB at the bottom of the screen.
  • IC is only useful against larger invaders. Try to get them to hit Vultures, then Eagles. You may have to go around Herons and Eagles to stun Vultures.
  • If you are unable to pull off an MB, spam fire IC to plow through Ravens and Sparrows to get to the larger invaders behind.
  • IC can also be used to plow through Herons and sometimes even Eagles after an MB is pulled off.
  • Because of the thin spread of its main, despite stunning one side of the field, it is very difficult to transition over to the other side to stun the other side. This results in a lot of navigability issues and a lot of dodging is needed.
  • In order to increase the chances of MB going off the next wave, a very good technique is to use IC as the final damage blow. When the last invader is about to die, throw an IC at it. IC's travel speed is not very fast so you have an approximate 0.5s advantage in charging MB. In this regard, the last invader should be an Eagle or Heron to target. If your last surviving invader is a Vulture, you are better off just using your main to finish it off as it is too difficult to estimate using an IC to kill it, and you'll probably waste ICs instead.
  • If you are faced with a Condor or a Roc, you can pop off all their turrets. Instead of continue to fire your main weapon, charge MB wherever is most appropriate for the next wave (obviously, skip this if it is the last wave). The Condor or Roc will self-destruct, and the MB will definitely be ready for the next wave


  • If there is a Vulture with smaller invaders, you should be standing by with an MB, with MBc being wherever the Vulture is going to land at, and ready to explode. Positioning is of utmost key, to land MBc on Vultures, while making sure you don't get shot at point blank range. Then after it explodes, immediately stun the Vulture, and deal with the rest of the smaller invaders. You will have to go around the Vulture (whether the invaders are in front or behind the Vulture) to deal with the rest of the invaders which should only be Eagles and Herons. Stun 1 of the Eagles if you have to.
  • Optimizing the main is very difficult since you will face a lot of dart walls and also laser MIRVs blocking you off and thus be unable to switch targets quickly.
  • In many cases, because of how fast darts travel, Dragonfly requires you to be very brave. Particularly, always remember that T2 dart tracking turrets are seldom threatening. You can continue to sit still and do not need to be afraid when they come your way, as they will directly pass through your core. However, you must try to be at a reasonable distance away from these T2 dart turrets, otherwise they might turn such that the misalignment from 2 dart pairs will cause you to die. This means that you should try to be on the opposite side of T2 dart turrets when they are on Ravens. Otherwise, hope for the best.
  • Many T1 dart tracking turrets in daily missions are also not threatening so long you don't stand right under them when the wave arrives since many only fire a single bullet per burst.


  • Since Dragonfly has a rather narrow main weapon firing cone, you will have to move around the field a lot and dodge a lot. That's up to you to interpret whether that's fun or not, but it is fun for me at least.
  • The rapid firing main means you will score a lot of crits, which is definitely pretty satisfying to hear.


  • Dragonfly Epsilon is one of the 4 apexes with an additional hidden change as well, changing its main weapon into a sort of rainbow colored laser gun, tightening the spread of the main.
  • Its main's DPS is lower than Corsair's Tracking Minigun.


  • Name: Blast Amplifier
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Blast radius and damage of the Ion Cannon projectiles are increased.
  • Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 100, the damage increases from 10 to 13.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 3.27 / 5
  • Main Weapon Illustration:

This apex also changes its main weapon to a laser minigun of tighter spread which travels much faster.

The increased IC damage and blast radius allows Dragonfly to quickly plow through slightly larger invaders such as Herons. The abundance of particles generated from MB decimating Ravens mean many ICs available. You can use these ICs to finish off a wave, and the increased damage of IC Blast Amplifier allows you to have a larger margin of error in estimation when throwing the IC to finish off the last invader to start MB charging early.


  • Name: Overcharge
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Overcharged Ion Cannon stuns targets in a larger area.
  • Interpretation: The blast radius increases from 50 to 115.
  • Form: Gamma
  • Price: 15000
  • Score: 1.82 / 5

It's a pity that if you put the two APEXes of the Ion Cannon on the same ship, the Blast Amplifier will definitely be more powerful than the Overcharge. Not only because the Blast Amplifier can increase damage, but also because the stun radius of an Overcharged Ion Cannon is not much better than that of an Blast Amplifier.

Video Illustration