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Machine gun, even Point Defense is also machine gun.

Basic Info

  • No: 16
  • Ship: Wrackr
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Close Combat
  • Main Weapon: Seismic Blaster
  • Aura: Point Defense
  • Zen: Mega Bomb
  • Rarity: Common
  • Price: 500
  • Main Description: Small projectiles that shoot in a general forward direction with a slight random angular deviance from the vertical.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Because the volume of bullets in Unprotected Laser/Dart missions aren't a lot, PD is often able to last you quite some time.
  • The random spread of projectiles in the main means you should try to go near to the invaders in order to pop off their turrets.
  • Ensure the field is sufficiently clear of bullets at the end of the wave (such that there are very clear places you can hide at) so that you can safely charge MB for the next wave.
  • Once MB goes off, PD needs to be start to be spammed again to clear out the whole mess of bullets headed for you.
  • Because of how fast bullets move in Unprotected missions, Wrackr is often stuck at the bottom of the screen charging MB in most cases, making it difficult to reach upfield invaders unless it is a wave with a frontline Vulture.


  • Spamming PD is desirable to ensure you are firing at the invaders at all times. You can also quickly break through dart lanes to switch targets quickly since these lanes are not very dense and the destroyed invaders should give you enough Aura to break through these lanes.
  • Charging MB at the top of the screen might work at times, although it is horrendously risky.
  • In many cases, because of how fast darts travel, Wrackr requires you to be very brave. Particularly, always remember that T2 dart tracking turrets are seldom threatening. You can continue to sit still and do not need to be afraid when they come your way, as they will directly pass through your core. However, you must try to be at a reasonable distance away from these T2 dart turrets, otherwise they might turn such that the misalignment from 2 dart pairs will cause you to die. This means that you should try to be on the opposite side of T2 dart turrets when they are on Ravens. Otherwise, hope for the best.
  • Many T1 dart tracking turrets in daily missions are also not threatening so long you don't stand right under them when the wave arrives since many only fire a single bullet per burst.
  • The main is relatively strong as it is consistent.


  • The fast firing main is quite a sight to behold. Also, due to its fast firing HI main, you will have a lot of satisfying crits.
  • Using PD to get up close to invaders is a lot of fun.


  • This ship is powerful in MIRV Spam mission, until the appear of Disaris' Bullet Detonator.


  • Name: Laser Upgrade
  • Type: Main Weapon
  • Description: Projectiles are replaced by more accurate lasers.
  • Interpretation: nan
  • Form: Alpha
  • Price: 5000
  • Score: 2.64 / 5
  • Main Weapon Illustration:

This apex improves its seismic blasters such that it eliminates the randomness in the spread of each of its 2 blasters, making it a strictly forward firing weapon.

The increased accuracy of its Seismic blasters allow you to stand as far back as you need and still be able to pop turrets off. This allows for easier MB setups, however, the increased projectile speed decreases the benefit from being able to stand back. It also allows for better safety during the wave itself since you do not need to stand so close to spread turrets which are particularly dangerous at close range.


  • Name: Bullet Detonator
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Enemy bullets are detonated dealing Blast damage.
  • Interpretation: Each detonated bullet deals 2 AOE damage.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 4.18 / 5

The usage of this APEX is to graze the MIRV. First, you need to graze them, and secondly, you need to use the energy to clear the bullet. To put it simply, this is a closed energy loop. All the energy you grazed from the bullet will be used in the end. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about what to do when there is no energy in your hand. To put it bluntly, when the energy is used up, just graze a MIRV and clear it back.

Video Illustration