Oddly enough, it's not much fun.
Basic Info
- No: 38
- Ship: Heechi
- Affinity: High Impact
- Type: Defensive
- Main Weapon: Quantum Seekers
- Aura: Barrier
- Zen: Kappa Drive
- Rarity: Super Rare
- Price: 3000
- Main Description: 18 homing projectiles fired from each side of the ship, curving towards their targets.
- Upgrade Info:
Level | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Ult |
DPS | 20.00 | 21.00 | 22.00 | 23.00 | 24.00 | 25.00 |
- Test Results:
Main | Aura | Zen | Survival | Survival Tier | Speedrun | Speedrun Tier | Fun | Fun Tier |
60.00 | 72.00 | 45.82 | 30.00 | C+ | 10.36 | D | 18.55 | D |
APEX1 | APEX2 | Base Score | Base Rank | Low Score | Hi Score | Apex Rank | Final Score | FinalRank |
21.82 | 71.27 | 177.82 | 94 | 199.64 | 249.09 | 88 | 308.00 | 93 |
- Main Weapon Illustration:
- 圆锥曲线: Heechi + Boomerang Spam = An episode that cummed a lot.
- The way Heechi's main works is very interesting. Due to the curved nature of it's main, it tends to hit invaders upfield instead of those right in front of you. This usually works to your disadvantage as you will have to keep up with the bullets shot at closer range.
- However, for frontline Vulture waves, it can make things easier for Heechi by hitting the troublesome Ravens at the back.
- The constant spam of barriers works well to defend it from an onslaught of darts and boomerangs. In this case, the Phase Out time of barriers work very well here and stacking continuous barriers prolong your safe time inside the barriers.
- However, the lackluster DPS of the main, being unable to kill invaders fast enough will pose a problem. Even with the continuous spam of Kappa, you may not be able to hold up all the barriers long enough to kill invaders and attract their particles towards you. Barrier still has a somewhat large minimum threshold radius in order for it to be able to deploy, unlike many other radius based Auras. This is particularly true for dart spinnners where the barrier has no way of holding all the darts.
- Since Heechi's main generally does not target the invaders right in front of you very well, your barriers will likely fade before you are able to take out these frontline invaders. Thus, Kappa dodging is of essence in later waves.
- Needing to deal with frontline invaders mean that the angle of the bullets fired can be vary wildly, which makes it much harder to dodge.
- The best solution would be to let the darts from spinners or dart spreads through, and only deploy barriers very precisely, when MIRVs are about to approach you, or when boomerangs are about to hit you. Remember to deploy earlier for boomerangs because they are very fast.
- Don't try using Heechi on Unprotected Laser/Dart missions since lasers are a big problem for Heechi since the lackluster DPS of Heechi is unable to provide you with enough particles to sustain even the smallest barrier spams (which will always work to block out one full burst of lasers). You can hope you have enough particles lying around to sustain a barrier spam, otherwise, be prepared to strafe, which is a pretty bad idea most of the time.
- Because of the constant barrier spam, and the danger to go upfield to deploy barriers, you are wasting the inner lining of barriers.
- In daily missions, Heechi is sometimes still able to keep up with dense waves. Fortunately, it is also pretty good at front heavy waves since the Quantum Seekers will curve around the frontline invaders.
- Turn the situation around, and have most of the invaders at the frontline as crowds of smaller invaders and the behind invaders as larger invaders, it starts to become a question mark whether Heechi will survive since the Quantum Seekers might choose not to target the smaller invaders to sustain the barrier deployments.
- Be very careful with your Kappa usage, and only use Kappa if you do not have enough particles for a barrier deployment. Otherwise, let the particles come to you.
- When met with DDLs, keep your barriers very small, and simply spam deploy the smallest possible barriers. When met with DDMBs, deploy barriers as usual, but have a large enough barrier on standby to deploy after the DDMB goes off. Of course, if there's enough space to spam deploy the smallest possible barriers such that the barriers are not in range of the DDMB, do so like with DDLs.
- There's no way you are speedrunning with a homing main and defensive Aura and Zen.
- The massive amounts of Quantum Seekers are very fun to watch. Their unique curved path is also a sight to behold as well.
- The constant barrier spam is very fun. To see concentric circles of barriers or very thick barrier walls is definitely satisfying. Sometimes it even becomes an obsession of how many barriers can you keep on the field at one go.
- Heechi is one of the 7 ships that doesn’t use thrusters to fly in Phoenix 2. It simply floats about.
- Name: Quick Charge
- Type: Main Weapon
- Description: Volleys of Seekers are shot in quick succession.
- Interpretation: nan
- Form: Beta
- Price: 10000
- Score: 1.36 / 5
- Main Weapon Illustration:
This apex reduces the interval time between each burst of quantum seekers fired, with each burst containing lesser quantum seekers than the original.
There is very minimal benefit in this apex other than the fact it can potentially finish off a wave slightly faster. The long intervals between each quantum seeker bursts in the base form actually allows to abuse Kappa Drive more, but this apex makes that interval so short. This means spamming Kappa Drive in very short bursts, which is of no use (there is a minimum amount of time Kappa needs to be active before one “tick”, or otherwise, an increase in Aura radius size). Thus, this apex doesn’t actually seem to help at all, other than being pretty fun to hear the constant bombardment of quantum seekers like a busy archery range with quantum weirdness.
- Hint: In version 7.2.0, the main weapon is improved a bit, it seems to fix the problem of "Apex speedrun is slower than base run":
- Name: Reflector
- Type: Aura
- Description: Laser reflect on the Barrier outer surface.
- Interpretation: Laser will be reflected to invaders with 10 damage per second.
- Form: Delta
- Price: 20000
- Score: 4.45 / 5
For its mission type, with so many lasers, this apex gives Heechi a tremendous DPS boost from the many lasers present in the type of mission Heechi is designed for. Due to the gameplay style of Heechi, almost never utilizing the barrier inner lining anyway, the Delta apex is perfect for it. You don't even need to change the way you use Heechi, yet you get such a tremendous boost from it. The only problem left, is when you are faced with bullet heavy waves with very few lasers, however, so long these waves are not right after each other, the particles from the previous waves should be sufficient to give enough particles to spam many many small barriers around yourself. It becomes more important, thus, to spam smaller barriers, to the extent that the smallest deployable barrier should just be placed, and you should not allow the barrier Aura size to grow any further.
For Rocs this apex may still struggle at due to insufficient lasers, causing the need to sacrifice your main weapon DPS to Kappa and quickly generate the smallest deployable barrier before all your barriers run out. Once they run out however, you must be either very lucky or be very careful not to get hit by any of the remaining lasers from laser MIRVs. Try to then graze off pellet spinners or lasers from laser MIRVs to generate the smallest barrier more quickly before any tracking lasers can fire again.