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Versatile ship that can deal with all type of missions.

Translated as nimbostratus cloud in French.

Basic Info

  • No: 79
  • Ship: Nimbus
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Versatile
  • Main Weapon: Twin Disintegrators
  • Aura: Stun EMP
  • Zen: Reflex EMP
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 2 independent forward firing lasers that only fire when the laser is in range of a target point.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Dark骑士: It is a practical ship that considers both attack and defense. It is very effective in dealing with speed laser missions. It is also very efficient in popping turrets. The main weapon and the sense of core need training. The output strength of the ship: Sigma > Base > Epsilon. If you use Sigma, you need to stand front in order to be faster, and Epsilon needs to stand back in order to survive. Note that Nimbus is very weak in darts. Even the most stubborn Epsilon does not kill the dart turret in the front row quickly after using stun EMP. Subsequent attacks will be Very difficult.


  • Nimbus' forward directed main (when maxed) is extremely capable of popping off turrets. One burst of both disintegrator lasers is enough to pop off a turret.
  • The Cone Triggered nature of the main means you hardly leak DPS other than when switching targets after the burst continues on even after the invader targeted dies. This makes it very powerful.
  • However, beware of Nimbus' off-sync lasers which can occur when you do not properly position yourself below invaders. Thus, always ensure that you are directly in front of an invader, even Ravens or Sparrows, as off-sync lasers are very difficult to handle.
  • If they do indeed go off-sync, there is usually no point to reset them to bring them back into sync, as that'll happen naturally between wave or Act transitions. Just live on with it.
  • In daily missions, both the powerful main and SEMP will obliterate invaders fast enough, and stop them from firing.
  • Eliminate enough smaller invaders such as Herons and Ravens to get enough particles for a full size SEMP, then go for the larger invaders such as Eagles and Vultures, until SEMP is just about to expire, where you can fire off another SEMP and repeat this process.
  • Nimbus doesn't even have a problem with Rocs in daily missions because the welcoming party provides so many particles for at least 2½ full size SEMPs. Just remember to stand back so that you don't eat all the particles too quickly.
  • Another great thing is the forward firing main allows Nimbus to penetrate into the back row of turrets on a Roc and even a Condor to take them out. However, don't go up to the Roc to eliminate the turrets, stay below so that you can continue pulling off SEMPs. Only take out the dangerous turrets such as spinners and MIRV spreads. DD weapons aren't deadly.
  • By the time the Roc can start firing, most of the back row turrets would be gone, along with some front row turrets, it's just too easy to survive.
  • REMP can be used on defence in heavier waves. However, in daily missions, the many dense waves allow you to have so many particles to pull off continuous SEMPs from particles in previous waves, invaders hardly even have a chance to fire, so it's better to use REMP offensively first. If you are unable to kill all the invaders on time before you run out of particles to use SEMP again, then you can reserve REMP for defence.
  • For missions with MIRV Deathonators, reserve your REMP for Sparrow infested waves. Don't use SEMP otherwise you'll be overwhelmed by bullets.
  • Use REMP to eliminate annoying dart streamer Sparrow infested waves. This will leave you with enough SEMP for the next wave since these waves don't provide enough particles. This is so that you can stun all the invaders in the next wavelong enough for a second SEMP. Then fire that second SEMP and charge REMP (only if there are still quite a lot of invaders left). If there aren't many left, reserve REMP for the next wave.
  • In MIRV/Shuriken missions, launch SEMP before REMP because you want to make sure the Sparrows die first. The REMP then gets rid of the pellets from MIRV Deathonators, along with all the annoying Ravens that fire MIRVs so fast. These Ravens just don't stand a chance. Make sure you release REMP to hit as many Ravens as possible
  • After which, if there are still remaining Ravens, eliminate them first. Then eliminate shuriken launchers (which are more likely on Eagles) if there aren't more than 2 Herons around. Most of the time, that means killing Eagles first before Herons.
  • Always ensure a full size SEMP into the next wave to repeat this process.


  • With double forms of AoE damage, Nimbus is a beast at crowd destruction. In particular, the SEMP + REMP combo straight out kills Unprotected Ravens.
  • Depending on how you like it, you can go 2 ways to utilize this powerful Aura Zen combination. The more common way is to fire off SEMP first when the invaders fully arrive, and then pull off an REMP. Because SEMP keeps the field rather clean of bullets, you can simply position yourself beforehand (if you know the wave composition and thus the optimum place to position yourself to have maximum AoE damage from REMP)
  • You can also do REMP first, if you are struggling to collect enough particles for a full or near full size SEMP. Both ways are fine and go with what you feel comfortable with at the moment. In this aspect, Nimbus is very flexible.
  • Beware of Vultures when speedrunning and try your best to avoid the cockpit of Vultures. The way Nimbus' main works is each of its disintegrator laser only fires when there is a target it can aim at, namely either cockpits or turrets. Because the distance between the cockpit of a Vulture and its 2 central turret are quite wide, it is possible that Nimbus will not fire.
  • Because of the way Nimbus main works, do not go too near larger invaders such as Eagles or Vultures as the targeting mechanism may not detect anything to hit.


  • Nimbus has double forms of AoE damage which are very fun to pull off.
  • In particular, Nimbus is the one of the safest AoE damage dealers. SEMP when the invaders fully arrive, then pull off an REMP. The absolute ease in pulling double AoE damage makes Nimbus so easy and fun to use.
  • Nimbus has a very awkward reactor position which is situated closer to the back of the ship, and the design of the ship is quite complicated which makes it hard to track it. Expect to die a lot when you first pick up this ship.


  • Nimbus was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v4.2.
  • Nimbus is the only ship where the firing of the main is asymmetrical (Levels 1-3) and does not appear to follow any discernible pattern.
  • Nimbus has the most unique thruster system in the game, as it does not use modern or futuristic engines to produce cool looking afterburners. Instead, it uses an early jet engine which produces a lot of smoke.


  • Name: High Damage
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Increased distortion of the Stun EMP causes even more damage to Invaders.
  • Interpretation: The max damage increases from 10 to 15.
  • Form: Sigma
  • Price: 35000
  • Score: 4.64 / 5

For Nimbus, this APEX enhancement is very real. 5 more points of damage means that it only takes two rounds of full aura to destroy the unprotected ravens. At the same time, it also means that a smaller aura can kill sparrows and bring smoother connection. It is very effective as a transition APEX for beginners to speedrun players.


  • Name: Extended Range
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Improved amplifiers increase the EMP range.
  • Interpretation: The max range increases from 225 to 280.
  • Form: Epsilon
  • Price: 25000
  • Score: 3.00 / 5

This apex will wreck absolute havoc among invaders when there are Ravens scattered all over the field at different corners. The increased REMP range is able to reach them all, even in the final Act 5 (or Act 6). The damage boost when dealing with larger invaders at the corners of the field is nice as well (which are normally not reachable by normal REMP), although it’s true power comes in extreme Raven crowds.

Video Illustration