A ship that makes one doubt that if the main weapon should be the zen.
Basic Info
No: 61
Ship: Corsair
Affinity: High Impact
Type: Full Offense (FO)
Main Weapon: Rocket Pods
Aura: Missile Swarm
Zen: Tracking Minigun
Rarity: Super Rare
Price: 3000
Main Description: 10 successive sets of 2 side-by-side slowly accelerating forward firing rockets.
Upgrade Info:
Level 1 2 3 4 5 Ult DPS 25.00 26.25 27.50 28.75 30.00 31.25
Main Aura Zen Survival Survival Tier Speedrun Speedrun Tier Fun Fun Tier 95.45 109.09 82.91 21.27 C- 46.36 A+ 47.45 A+
APEX1 APEX2 Base Score Base Rank Low Score Hi Score Apex Rank Final Score FinalRank 62.55 34.91 287.45 23 322.36 350.00 23 465.09 22
Main Weapon Illustration:
Dark骑士: I bought the Railgun APEX out of curiosity. It really only has a nice name. The main gun has almost no feeling of impact. If it weren't for the output ability of the MS, I'm afraid that it wouldn't have a chance to be noticed.
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Tracking Minigun can turn around for 360 degrees.
When the Tracking Minigun fires, a large number of bullet casings are ejected from the right side of the ship, and the Sigma APEX replaces them with larger casings accordingly.
Name: Railgun
Type: Zen
Description: Replaces Minigun with a Railgun that fires projectiles that pierce through targets.
Interpretation: Fire 30 piercing projectiles, each with 6 damage.
Form: Sigma
Price: 35000
Score: 3.91 / 5
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Name: High Explosive
Type: Aura
Description: Missiles equipped with advanced warheads deal blast damage on impact.
Interpretation: Missiles deal 1 AOE damage within 50 range.
Form: Tau
Price: 40000
Score: 2.18 / 5
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Video Illustration