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A ship that makes one doubt that if the main weapon should be the zen.

Basic Info

  • No: 61
  • Ship: Corsair
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Full Offense (FO)
  • Main Weapon: Rocket Pods
  • Aura: Missile Swarm
  • Zen: Tracking Minigun
  • Rarity: Super Rare
  • Price: 3000
  • Main Description: 10 successive sets of 2 side-by-side slowly accelerating forward firing rockets.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Dark骑士: I bought the Railgun APEX out of curiosity. It really only has a nice name. The main gun has almost no feeling of impact. If it weren't for the output ability of the MS, I'm afraid that it wouldn't have a chance to be noticed.


  • Absolutely no defence at all.
  • The only saving grace is it's easy to spam damage from MS and Minigun, which means less invaders to contend with.


  • Corsair relies purely on throwing out as much as it possibly can. The minigun should be abused as much as possible to maximize DPS. However, due to the rather long cooldown of the minigun, it is of quite a bit of issue.
  • Corsair relies on tons of flailing about the screen. Particularly, expect to strafe extremely quickly to avoid laser fire, and duck right underneath behind the dart stream has enough time to reach the bottom of the screen. Don't even be surprised you somehow squeeze right inbetween darts in a dart stream.
  • The minigun also has a pretty strange charge time which is quite unlike any zen. At the start of any Act, when the words start to exit the screen, you can then start charging your minigun such that the minigun DPS is not wasted.
  • In community and specialist missions, Minigun should generally only be used once every Act from Act 1-3. Act 4 is likely able to be used twice, once when Act 4 starts, the second one at 4-3. The same goes for Act 5.
  • In daily missions, use Minigun only once from Act 1 and 2. From Act 3 onwards, you can start using it twice every Act.
  • Optimizing both MS and the minigun is an extreme pain because they both kill so fast. Generally only use MS when it is big enough (with extra allowance space) to obliterate everything in early Acts, so that you can avoid wasting the minigun since MS wipes the wave very fast. In Act 4 and onwards, you can use MS whenever appropriate, so long it's not at the end of a wave.
  • MS can be used in light waves to clear out everything fast. This is particularly useful in annoying dart streamer Sparrow waves.
  • Because of the awkward Aura Zen combination, both competing with each other for damage, Corsair is not the best speedrunning option.
  • The main bulk of the damage is dealt through MS and minigun. the main is merely an assistance. It could be nice to optimize the main to hit almost every barrage missile, but the main is such a pain usually there's no point to bother.
  • Even though the minigun's tracking is advertised as fast, it's not very impressive and actually leaks quite a lot in switching targets.
  • Unfortunately, since minigun is a slow damage dealing zen that lasts so long, with a rather long cooldown, this means that minigun can only be used that often for damage, and is thus a subpar FO option.


  • The minigun is very fun to watch in action, watching the minigun itself turn towards its targets.
  • Despite being a subpar FO, it's actually really fun to speedrun with Corsair. The activation of the minigun really wakes you up.
  • The barrage missiles are quite slow in movement and they don't hit your intended targets sometimes. However, the main bulk of the satisfaction from MS and minigun negates this as the main is simply support. It does make some initial waves a little bit frustrating but the minigun does cover it up quite well.
  • Most of the time, you have literally no idea what you are doing except spamming damage. Flailing about wildly and almost uncontrollably, you won't even know what just happened. But hey, everything is destroyed, so that's great, right?
  • Tracking Minigun can turn around for 360 degrees.


  • Corsair was only introduced into Phoenix 2 at v2.4.
  • Corsair is one of the 5 ships that got brought over from Phoenix 2's predecessor game, Phoenix HD (Phoenix, Shogun, Trinity, Mirage, Corsair).
  • Corsair is one of the only 5+1 ships which are asymmetrical (NC-271, Widget, Icarus, Monsoon, Disaris, and Corsair not noticably asymmetrical). Even though Corsair is mostly symmetrical, the mount on the left side is the tracking laser while the one on the right is its tracking minigun.
  • Corsair's Zen is unique to itself.
  • The minigun on the right side of Corsair is initially not present in gameplay when you first unlock Corsair. This is also reflected when you first unlock it in the warp gate, or receive a main / Aura upgrade to Corsair with the Zen not unlocked. The tracking minigun only appears after you unlock its Zen.
  • Sigma Corsair's tracking railgun was buffed in v4.0.1, shortly after the release of apexes in v4.0. The buff increases the damage of each railgun shot without increasing the firing rate.
  • In Corsair's ship preview screen, the minigun/railgun is not present even if you unlocked it. Getting its apexes also does not show their minigun/railgun on the apexes.
  • You can also view some additional renders and versions on Corsair in the following link:
  • When the Tracking Minigun fires, a large number of bullet casings are ejected from the right side of the ship, and the Sigma APEX replaces them with larger casings accordingly.


  • Name: Railgun
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Replaces Minigun with a Railgun that fires projectiles that pierce through targets.
  • Interpretation: Fire 30 piercing projectiles, each with 6 damage.
  • Form: Sigma
  • Price: 35000
  • Score: 3.91 / 5

This apex turns its tracking minigun Zen into a tracking railgun, which fires at a slower rate and deals less damage. The total raw damage (disregarding any damage made from a second or subsequent hit for any single railgun shot) is reduced from 210 to 180, with 30 railgun shots, translating to 6 damage per shot. However, each shot pierces through invaders like VL.

With the piercing mechanic for railgun, this puts its Aura MS and Zen into less competition with each other for damage, with MS dealing with the front row invaders while the railgun dealing with the upfield invaders who are hiding behind large invaders like Eagles or Vultures. Each railgun shot does decent damage and each shot has the capability to actually disarm upfield invaders if they pierce at the right angle. The dense waves also help in dealing enormous damage from the railgun from the potential number of invaders one railgun shot can pierce through, decimating Ravens quickly. Overall, this turns Corsair into a much more versatile damage dealer, being able to deal with both crowds and larger invaders, although it's capability to deal with larger invaders is slightly reduced. Not to mention, this apex is a very fun one to use from the unique charging sound of the railgun which is different from the minigun.


  • Name: High Explosive
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Missiles equipped with advanced warheads deal blast damage on impact.
  • Interpretation: Missiles deal 1 AOE damage within 50 range.
  • Form: Tau
  • Price: 40000
  • Score: 2.18 / 5

The buff to MS gives this apex a slight advantage over its Sigma Apex since it retains its rather devastating raw damage from the minigun, but gains some AoE damage from explosive MS. The explosive MS works very well against very dense waves where the impact of the blast damage can be felt with the wave vaporizing much faster. Heavier waves can still be dealt with reasonably well with the raw damage output from both minigun and MS. However, the prevalence of many dense waves in daily mission still make the Sigma Apex much better, although this apex gives it slightly better capability to deal against larger invaders compared to the Sigma Apex and base form.

Video Illustration