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Who can refuse a toilet that spews shit?

Basic Info

  • No: 28
  • Ship: Vuxine
  • Affinity: Shield Breaking
  • Type: Defensive
  • Main Weapon: Vortex Launcher
  • Aura: Point Defense
  • Zen: Kappa Drive
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 6 independent slow and homing projectiles fired in a general forward direction.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Synergy between PD and Kappa allows you to spam PD infinitely.
  • PD allows you to quickly eliminate the first wave of MIRVs that come your way.
  • Unfortunately, after that, the shurikens start flooding in which becomes too much for PD to eliminate.
  • The more than decent survivability of Vuxine comes in the fact that there is completely no need to aim with Vuxine. This means that it is capable of camping at one extreme bottom corner of the field and pretty much not move the entire mission.
  • The homing capability of Vuxine is just sufficient for it to hit invaders on the other side of the field no matter what Act it may be. So really, it's a camper.
  • Staying still allows T4 patterned shuriken launchers to lock onto you, which causes their shurikens go right pass you through the middle due to the clear lanes defined by the pattern. Moving a bit will cause you to come in contact with the pattern by the T4 shuriken launchers which will burn a lot more PD.
  • Use PD to eliminate the rest of the shurikens and pellets (from launchers and from MIRVs that explode) that come into the lane towards you. Only use PD when these shurikens are at point blank range, otherwise you will waste unnecessary Aura.
  • When in the shuriken cloud made by T4 shuriken launchers, don't bother to burn PD to eliminate MIRVs before they explode. Let them explode. Only use PD to eliminate MIRVs after the shuriken cloud has almost completely dispersed from the field.
  • So long you know how to identify the shurikens and pellets that are headed your way, it is easy to survive when there's no need to burn PD on the shurikens from T4 shuriken launchers (until these extra bullets are headed for you, of course). Vuxine generally doesn't have problems surviving until it hits a wave with MIRV Bloomers coupled with shuriken launchers.
  • Because you simply camp there, particles come in very slowly. You can sometimes even burn PD and move upfield a bit to collect the particles if the shuriken cloud isn't terribly thick, which completely eliminates the shuriken cloud and also the MIRVs and other stray bullets within the cloud.
  • There's just no way to deal with lasers at all. A wave with plenty of lasers is just its doom. You can only hope to use PD strategically to cut a hole in the bullet lanes and then Kappa dodge.


  • With a homing main and both Auras and Zens that don't deal damage, there's absolutely no way you are speedrunning with this ship or optimizing anything.


  • A rather lackluster main damage means you don't kill fast enough, and a lot of bullets will be coming for you, thus necessitating the need for Kappa spamming to get yourself out of tight spots. Which also means, very draggy gameplay.
  • The compounded impact of the many Vortex Launchers (especially when maxed) causes a huge screenshake, which is very annoying.


  • Originally, its popularity was not that high, until its specialist mission became the dense Bullet Laser.


  • Name: Sentinel
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Point Defense has a passive laser that is always active and does not use energy.
  • Interpretation: The nearest bullet within range will be cleared every 0.5s.
  • Form: Gamma
  • Price: 15000
  • Score: 1.00 / 5

There has never been an apex more useless than this. The elimination of MIRVs through Sentinel is way too slow it is better to simply use PD to do the job. Sentinel being too slow also runs a big risk of an MIRV exploding and thus needing significantly more Aura energy to eliminate the released pellets. Sentinel is supposed to help you be able to generate PD Aura in desperate times where PD is running low, but it ends being too risky to let Sentinel do the job due to risk of MIRV explosion.


  • Name: Antigrav
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Ignore energy particle weight and increase passive attraction power.
  • Interpretation: All the particles will be attracted on the same speed and you can absorb energy more easily.
  • Form: Alpha
  • Price: 5000
  • Score: 0.55 / 5

The faster pull in of particles can sometimes make a difference on whether or not it is possible to PD away MIRVs before they start to explode in your face almost simultaneously. This makes gameplay much faster and easier by doing less of the slowed Kappa PD gameplay which can be very painful.

Video Illustration