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The intermittent machine gun fire made one wonder if it was fxxked.

The title character and the primary antagonist, through the forging of the One Ring, of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

Basic Info

  • No: 37
  • Ship: Gorthaur
  • Affinity: High Impact
  • Type: Double Defense
  • Main Weapon: Barrage Cannons
  • Aura: Barrier
  • Zen: Personal Shield
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Price: 1500
  • Main Description: 2 successive sets of 16 projectiles in a general diverging pattern, with some randomness in spread.
  • Upgrade Info:
  • Test Results:
MainAuraZenSurvivalSurvival TierSpeedrunSpeedrun TierFunFun Tier
APEX1APEX2Base ScoreBase RankLow ScoreHi ScoreApex RankFinal ScoreFinalRank
  • Main Weapon Illustration:


  • Gorthaur has a very awkward Aura Zen combination which is very difficult to use.
  • PS is used as an offensive tool against lasers, particularly in its mission type where lasers are abundant.
  • Before the next wave starts, as the current wave starts to die down with the last 1 or 2 invaders, deploy your barrier upfield. However, knowledge of the next wave is key as you want all the invaders to be enclosed by the barrier. No turrets should leak any bullets outside the barrier.
  • Then when the next wave comes in, get rid of as many front row invaders as you can. Fight as close to the barrier as you can when faced with an onslaught of bullets, otherwise head inside the barrier to go head on with them to maximize your main damage.
  • As you fight for a while, the inner lining starts to fade off, and now the lasers are ready to fire the first round. As the lasers are going to fire, literally throw yourself inside the barrier. It is difficult to catch the timing as using the laser cue sound is too late you will not be able to fully maximize the Laser Reflection damage. This needs practice as going in too early means you waste DPS.
  • At this time, the inner lining should have faded off and almost all the tracking lasers will be locked onto you, thus hitting your PS and reflecting off. This is how PS is to be used as an offensive tool. It is very awkward nevertheless as you run into the danger of destroying yourself if you don't throw yourself in properly.
  • Unfortunately, you don't have long left until the barrier fades after you reflect off the first round of lasers. This is when Gorthaur starts to struggle as it has very little means left to defend itself, especially after exhausting PS for damage. Usually the Laser Reflection damage should be adequate enough to wipe out almost all of the wave.
  • As Gorthaur has no Zen that requires charging, at the end of the wave, go up to the invader's face to finish them off, but on the way, this allows you to place more barriers for the next wave.
  • This unfortunately means that Gorthaur is heavily reliant on laser infested waves to survive. Without many lasers on screen, Gorthaur will suffer a lot.
  • Because Unprotected General/Boomerang missions are dominated by bullets and not lasers, both Barrier and PS are used as bullet blockades.
  • Unless in early waves, barriers should now be deployed around yourself due to the somewhat dense bullet field which makes it too difficult to go upfield to deploy barriers.
  • Keep the barriers small and avoid going upfield which will quickly collect too many particles, as you need as many barriers as possible, while the size of the barrier is of no use since the Phase Out of barriers is what will protect you more often than the barrier's strength itself.
  • When out of placeable barriers, use PS. Both Barrier and PS are extremely effective at blocking out boomerangs. Barrier will completely block off darts, while when using PS against darts, aim to use its Phase Out to eliminate the last few darts from several dart lanes.


  • You should go as close to the barrier as possible to optimize the wide spread of the main to hit the invaders.
  • Keep the barriers in initial Acts small enough such that you can be at edge of the barrier but be as close to the invaders as possible. Literally, spam barriers whenever you can upfield in initial Acts.
  • When using PS to reflect lasers, getting as close to the middle of the action, even if putting yourself in danger by going inside the barrier is required. This does require quite a lot of luck to pull off sometimes as the invaders need to create space for you to go inside so that you don't get shot point blank.


  • PS can be fun to use in its mission type due to potentially many lasers to reflect.
  • Popping inside the barrier to watch all the laser converge on you and then reflecting off your barrier is strangely pretty satisfying.
  • Gorthaur's main is quite satisfying from the compounded sounds from each projectile hitting the invaders.


  • Prior to the v4.4.1 update, Gorthaur Beta (Laser Reflector Barrier) is one of the most powerful Laser Reflector Barrier apexes, due to the fact that BOTH PS and Laser Reflector Barrier are able to reflect the lasers even when the lasers are all incident on the barrier, with none leaking through it. This means that the laser reflect is actually TWICE the damage it was supposed to be (since there are supposedly no lasers reflecting off PS).


  • Name: Reflector
  • Type: Aura
  • Description: Laser reflect on the Barrier outer surface.
  • Interpretation: Laser will be reflected to invaders with 10 damage per second.
  • Form: Beta
  • Price: 10000
  • Score: 4.45 / 5

Reflector Barrier is very effective, but this APEX renders your Personal Shield almost useless. Therefore, when you use a reflector, you can think more about the face-to-face output and maximize your output efficiency.


  • Name: Focus
  • Type: Zen
  • Description: Focused interconnects charge Personal Shield faster and recover it more quickly.
  • Interpretation: The charge time decreases from 0.4s to 0.3s, the recovery time decreases from 6.5s to 4.5s.
  • Form: Alpha
  • Price: 5000
  • Score: 2.27 / 5

This apex knows no fear of boomerangs or pellet MIRVs. The increased recovery speed of PS allows Barrier and PS to be used in alternate turns comfortably (i.e. Barrier, PS, Barrier, PS, and so on) to relentlessly block them off, unless the barrier deployed is very small and fades too fast. Deploying Barrier at the right time, just before the boomerangs or MIRVs approach in close range allows enough time for PS to cool down after being used before the Barrier, and thus, making PS available for the next wave of MIRVs and/or boomerangs. Otherwise, even if the barrier is of minimum size, 2 such barriers deployed will allow PS to recover and be used again to block off these dangerous threats that many ships struggle with.

Video Illustration